Do you find that you have a compulsive need to do Chores all hours of the day? Do you do Chores to make up for the problems that you've had, throughout your Childhood? Do you do Chores to keep your Mind off of your Obsessions, and to block them out of your Head, because your Childhood Obsessions were frowned upon, and every time you develope a new Obsession, you do the Chores, instead of sitting around, all day long, looking at Pictures and Maps of the things that grab your Interests? Do you do Chores as a way of dealing with different Emotions, such as Sadness and Anger, or even yearnings for the Past? Do you do Chores as a method of earning the nice things that you want to buy for yourself, if they're realted to your Current Obsessions? What do you get, out of doing Chores?
I do Chores for at least Two and a Half hours, every single day. I do my Chores, in order to make up for the time that I was Ten and I was looking at Maps of the United States, Five hours, every single day. I'd like to think that things have changed, between my Parents and I, since 1985 when I was Ten, so I do at least Two to Three hours of Chores, every single day, because if I didn't do Chores, I'd be looking at pictures of Routemasters, all day. And it would be pretty much the same of looking at Maps, all day long.
I've mentioned my reason for doing Chores, in the Paragraph, above. Since developing a new Obsession, I've decided to fill a big chunk of my days with Chores. I can do a Brain Excersize that require me to channel all of my Mental Energy into the Tasks that are in front of me. I don't allow myself to think about the Old London, as I know it, until I'm done all of the Chores that I plan to do for the day, and that's the way it is.
I do Chores in order to block out Emotions, related to the way people deal with me, and communicate with me. It's almost like they go out of their way to piss me off, on purpose. Sometimes they do get me angry, on purpose. They holler at me and tell me to stop crying, stop having Pity Parties and to get on with Life. I'm Bloody glad that this Garbage only happens to me, when I'm experiencing PMS. After somebody pisses me off like that, I do as many Chores as I can, in as little time possible, in order to make my entire Body hurt. The thing is, that I enjoy the Body Pains that I give myself, by "Punnishing myself with Physical Work".
On a completley different note, I do Chores to keep my Sentimental Feelings for the Routemaster at bay. Durring the Day, I must keep busy. When it's just Chico and I in my Bedroom and I'm in the final stages of getting ready for Bed, I allow myself to have my Nostalgic Feelings. It's hard to do Chores, when you're feeling Nostalgic.
I also do Chores, because I'm obligated to do them, if I want to buy nice things for myself. It's funny, how I see Buses that are mainly Red, as being classified as "Nice Things", when most Women are into Flowers, High Heels, Perfume and Jewlery. Back to the topic of Chores, It's the hard work that I put into my Daily Chores that make me feel proud, instead of guilty, when I buy myself a "Friend".
The things that I get out of doing Chores, are a stong feeling of dicipline, and a sense of Pride. I see it as Boot Camp for entering the Work Force. I also enjoy the Exersize that Chores provide me with. I find that I build Character by doing House Chores, and it strengthens my Mind, so that I will be able to have a Paid Job, one day in the Future. I also get to convey an exteriour of Power, Strength and Emotional Control.
Is this Healthy for me, or should I put more energy into my Interests?