You sound autistic to me. I'm not sure why you are so fixated on Asperger's or autism. Ist his going to change your treatment plan?
SuperTrouper wrote:
I simply canNOT fathom that other humans are fully satient beings. This blows my mind. If everybody's world is as rich as mine is... how can so much coexist in so little space on this planet?
This is illogical
If your sentience is an artifact of your brain, it follows that this sentience is confined to the volume of your brain. If everyone else's sentience was required to reside within your brain, it would be problematic. It is more likely that there is a one to one mapping between human brains and sentient humans. Thus there is plenty of space on this planet for sentience, even for those with worlds as rich as yours.
Going in the other direction, if sentience exists in some form of metaphysical space, then it is conceivable (some would say likely) that this space is infinite in scope. Again, plenty of room for multiple sentient beings.
When God made me He didn't use a mold. I'm FREEHAND baby!
The road to my hell is paved with your good intentions.