poll for creative writers (NT & autistic)

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Do you write poetry or prose? (Assignments don't count.)
I'm autistic and I write poetry only 8%  8%  [ 4 ]
I'm autistic and I write both prose and poetry 47%  47%  [ 25 ]
I'm autistic and I write prose only 40%  40%  [ 21 ]
I'm autistic and I don't write creatively 2%  2%  [ 1 ]
I'm NT and I write poetry only 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
I'm NT and I write both prose and poetry 2%  2%  [ 1 ]
I'm NT and I write prose only 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
I'm NT and I don't write creatively 2%  2%  [ 1 ]
Total votes : 53


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25 Jul 2011, 8:53 pm

In my young writers group a few years ago, I was the only one who wrote prose (stories) but not poetry. Several wrote poetry but not prose, and the others all wrote both.

I can't seem to write or even listen to poetry, because of the floaty feeling.


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25 Jul 2011, 9:20 pm

I've never liked writing poetry, but I can pull it off sometimes. I usually focus on my prose writing, particularly the book I'm trying to write and my Dragonriders Of Pern fan fiction.

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25 Jul 2011, 9:24 pm

I used to write poetry when I was younger, but I lot of it was taking phrases from other things that I've read and putting it together into a poem with a few original lines thrown in as well. I am not very creative, but I am working on a novel (I don't write poetry anymore). I don't know if it will ever be published because I have a difficult time describing the inner lives of the characters, and I think many of them sound quite similar since I only know one way of thinking. I LOVE to write, and I write essays and research papers quite well, but my lack of imagination and creativity kind of hinder me in creative writing (though I still try sometimes!)

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25 Jul 2011, 9:31 pm

I write prose but it naturally comes out in the form of poetry (ie musical rhythmic incomplete sentence fragments) that it often takes a lot of effort to make an actually structured narrative. If I could play music better I'd make songs definitely, that's my ideal format.


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25 Jul 2011, 9:34 pm

I write mostly prose, but I enjoy writing poetry when I'm in the mood for it. Expression through constrained rhyme schemes is a fun challenge, but I don't always have the patience to work through it. When I was younger, I didn't know how to write prose, so I wrote only poetry. My favorite thing to write and speak is pidgin. Pidgin good easy like.


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25 Jul 2011, 9:44 pm

I have written both, in fact, during my school years, poetry was an obsession for me...I read it, wrote it, and talked about it.
With prose, I find I can only write well about something I have obsessed about, or from my own experiences. It is frustrating, but I seem to lack the imagination to simply make characters and interractions up very easily.

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25 Jul 2011, 9:45 pm

There was a young writer of prose
Who tho disliked poetry
And never gave it a goes
Poetry would cause an ill feeling
A shudder and a reeling
That the pentameter could never ever know

2minute poem for you :)


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25 Jul 2011, 9:50 pm

I can write prose, but I'm not a writer, so I don't do it very often. Poetry just makes me sick. :eew:

I'd rather shoot myself in the foot than either read or write poetry.

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25 Jul 2011, 9:52 pm

Poems are a bit like songs

The best ones are written very quickly, from the heart, and full of heart


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25 Jul 2011, 11:36 pm

I love writing poetry! I`ve been told I`m very good at it!

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26 Jul 2011, 12:05 am

I like poetry. Not the airy fairy stuff though.


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26 Jul 2011, 12:34 am

I said prose but it's more accurate to say that I have only been paid for prose work (except for one made-up nursery rhyme for an otherwise prose book). I actually did write poetry in my 20s, but I don't really like it in retrospect, and it's all missing now.


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26 Jul 2011, 6:18 pm

SammichEater, how do you feel when you read poetry? Is it like my floaty feeling?


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26 Jul 2011, 6:46 pm

I don't write anymore, but I used to only write prose. The only poetry I ever enjoyed writing was the kind with fixed structures, which I had to do for assignments. I liked fitting words into the appropriate structure. I guess that's probably very aspie. :lol:

I think I understand what you mean by the floaty feeling. It bothers me when the words are unstructured. They seem so random and meaningless.


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26 Jul 2011, 6:49 pm

I don't know what you mean by a floaty feeling. What happens when I read poetry is something like this:


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26 Jul 2011, 8:12 pm

I love poetry but I haven't had much practice at it.
Poetry feels me with emotions and triggers imagery. I find it beautiful.
The floaty feeling for me is literally an up and down motion when I read each word. Sometimes I need to read it again more slowly to get it.

I'm writing my own novel so I guess I can say I'm more of a into prose.

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