I think I have exactly the same. In fact, when I see the words "repetitive music" I instantly think of Hergest Ridge/Mike Oldfield, a pure and mellow example of repetitive music, IMHO. So, this starts to play in my mind, and plays just as I type this. My memory for music is quite eidetic, too. While I usually unable to hear the music in one piece, I can hear a few seconds of them, realistically.
It's true, sometimes I can consciously choose what I want to hear, other times they just intrude my consciousness unsolicited. One problem associated to this is that when I made to hear "music" that I don't like (to say the least), they also tend to stick in my mind. I'm hardly capable to sweep them out. It's aggravating, and may eventually result to meltdown.
As for bad/good situations, it's clear to me that I remember both pictures and words. Well, some of them. I think I remember pictures better. I have the ability to suppress bad memories of the past, it only requires time. Sometimes a long, long time, but eventually I will remember every bad/good situation in my life without vivid emotions. Until it happens, I can have very bad experiences with negative thoughts coming up to the surface of my consciousness and swirling there from time to time, making me feel quite miserable.
Another non-English speaking - DX'd at age 38
"Aut viam inveniam aut faciam." (Hannibal) - Latin for "I'll either find a way or make one."