Rakkety_Tamm wrote:
Five years ago, the USA was attacked by Muslim extremists,
We shall never forget....
I lost an uncle in this thoughtless act of terrorism.
He was on United Flight 93.
He is my greatest hero, for he served his country honorably in Vietnam, and gave his life saving countless others.
May the year pass by, and our days roll on, we must always keep these souls in our hearts and minds, and stand up together, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Wiccan, Buddhist, Taoist, or any other religion, and fight this new war, a war upon terror.
Blessed Be,
May the Goddess grant Her blessing upon The U.S.A, and all those who stand up along side of us and fight with us against the horrible people who committed this horrible crime.
May the Goddess bless the USA
May the Goddess bless President Bush.
-Mathis Wrenn, Bi-sexual registered Republican Party member, Wiccan, and Patriot.
im sorry but i found most of this reply to be hilarious. haha