I find this SO embarrassing.
When I was waiting for the bus in the bus station, it was really, really late, and it strolled in half an hour late and a load of teenagers all piled on before the rest of us, and us regular passengers weren't very happy about it. As we were walking upto the bus, a man, who was walking right next to me, said, ''isn't this great?!'' in a sarcastic voice, and I said, ''I know - where are we all meant to sit?!'' and the man said, ''after waiting so long aswell!'' and I said, ''yeah!'' But then I realised he was actually talking to his wife who was behind him. But he didn't turn his head round towards her when he spoke. He kept in line with me and it sounded like he was just uttering things to me (like sometimes people do), and normally people don't stare right at you whilst walking along, but I just assumed he was still talking to me. I felt like such an idiot!! !
Also, before I got off the bus one day, the bus-driver (who I fancy) asked about a timetable, and I said, ''I don't need one - I've already got one, thank you.'' And then he said, ''I was asking my brother if he wanted a new timetable'' (his brother was sitting in a seat behind him), and I felt stupid. I think he could tell, so he smiled and said, ''you can have another one if you want, darling.'' I tried to be confident, so I said, ''nah, that's OK'', and laughed, hoping he wouldn't really be turned off by my stupid faux pas - which he wasn't (this was a few months ago now). But because he didn't raise his voice (because you do raise your voice a little when you're speaking to somebody who isn't in your vision), and I was standing up the front right next to him, so I just naturally assumed he was speaking to me. And I looked at him too as he spoke, and he looked at me aswell, but without turning his head.
And lastly, (this is the most embarrassing, stupidest thing of all), I saw my friend in the shop, and she was holding a phone upto her ear but was speaking to me (wasn't quite sure what she was doing with her phone). I knew she was speaking to me because she was answering everything I said, you know, like how a conversation goes. Then (because I hadn't seen her for ages) she was harping on about her troubles she's had recently, and swearing too, and I thought she was telling me, and I was answering, but then I found out she had been harping on about all her troubles to somebody on her phone. I don't think she heard me answering to all that, but other people in the shop heard, and were looking at me funny and I just felt stupid. This girl isn't an Aspie, but she doesn't do eye-contact very well, so whether she speaks to me or not, she doesn't look up at me, so I wasn't sure who she was speaking to.
I hate it when these things happen, and I do make a lot of eye contact. It's because I am told to be more confident, and so when I am, I tend to be a bit too confident, and then make myself look stupider than I would have done if I never opened my mouth. Anyone else have this annoying embarrassing problem?