What are the best country to live with Asperger?

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Snowy Owl
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16 Sep 2011, 3:59 am

As people are different from countries to countries, one could that having AS is a diffenrent experience in every country. I have been living in different countries myself and I founded harder to live in some countries than in others because people can be generally more or less kind, polite, understanding etc.

Snowy Owl
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16 Sep 2011, 5:46 am

I forget to tell you, but obviously my question is: what do you think the best countries are to live with asperger? What are the cultures which are the most compatible with this syndrome?


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16 Sep 2011, 6:15 am

I have heard the Japanese culture is conducive to Aspergers?


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16 Sep 2011, 6:49 am

Its all the same when it comes to AS. Cultural differences yes, but still its the same thing that separates me from people everywhere. I have been living in 3 different countries and have also travelled a lot. The majority of people in every contry I have been to have exactly that in common that differs from me. I dont experience more or less differences in politeness, understanding etc. Its just comes down to a point where people are the same.

There are pros and cons to every country Ive been to, but I prefer utopia :wink:

Snowy Owl
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16 Sep 2011, 7:13 am

Maje wrote:
Its all the same when it comes to AS. Cultural differences yes, but still its the same thing that separates me from people everywhere. I have been living in 3 different countries and have also travelled a lot. The majority of people in every contry I have been to have exactly that in common that differs from me. I dont experience more or less differences in politeness, understanding etc. Its just comes down to a point where people are the same.

There are pros and cons to every country Ive been to, but I prefer utopia :wink:

I don't think so. I lived in France and the Netherlands and I find the later much more AS friendly because people are more patient and more kind generally so I don't always have the constant feeling to be socially inadequate.


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16 Sep 2011, 7:25 am

The US is alright, I guess, but very young children may be ridiculed. From what I've gathered. the UK is overall very difference-friendly.


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16 Sep 2011, 7:31 am

I'm in Sweden and originally from the UK. From a social perspective Sweden is much more Asperger's friendly. The norm here is for planned, organised and precise social interactions. It is much easier for an Aspie to fit in here in this respect than in the UK.

The UK however is more Asperger's friendly in terms of education. It's more structured and displined. My daughter has had a nightmare here with the 'go with the flow' attitude in school, constantly changing timetables, lack of displine etc. She misses her UK school where she knew exactly where she had to be, when and what was expected of her.


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16 Sep 2011, 7:37 am

TheWingman wrote:
Maje wrote:
Its all the same when it comes to AS. Cultural differences yes, but still its the same thing that separates me from people everywhere. I have been living in 3 different countries and have also travelled a lot. The majority of people in every contry I have been to have exactly that in common that differs from me. I dont experience more or less differences in politeness, understanding etc. Its just comes down to a point where people are the same.

There are pros and cons to every country Ive been to, but I prefer utopia :wink:

I don't think so. I lived in France and the Netherlands and I find the later much more AS friendly because people are more patient and more kind generally so I don't always have the constant feeling to be socially inadequate.

AS friendlier than which country?

I live in France now and the people are just as patient and kind as the people in other countries I have been to. I dont understand your generalization. I dont experience more kindness or patience... but also not the opposite, or any other difference when it comes to AS. Maybe where you are living, the people are generally more unkind and unpatient than other places? I doubt it though... since its relative.

Snowy Owl
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16 Sep 2011, 7:38 am

MotherKnowsBest wrote:
I'm in Sweden and originally from the UK. From a social perspective Sweden is much more Asperger's friendly.

I also thing that sweeds are very AS friendly. I met some recently, they gave me a great feeling.


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16 Sep 2011, 7:39 am

Australia's not so bad, although I've yet to experience anywhere else. There's interest, and funding, for early diagnosis and intervention, there's support and growing awareness of autism in schooling. There's movement towards a national disability insurance scheme, although that might take another decade to come to fruition.

What there isn't, and I think this is true everywhere, is anything constructive to offer adult autistics who're ignorant of their condition.

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16 Sep 2011, 7:42 am

Maje wrote:

AS friendlier than which country?

I live in France now and the people are just as patient and kind as the people in other countries I have been to. I dont understand your generalization. I dont experience more kindness or patience... but also not the opposite, or any other difference when it comes to AS. Maybe where you are living, the people are generally more unkind and unpatient than other places? I doubt it though... since its relative.

Everybody might be different, they are still some very obvious cultural paterns in each countries. Sscial intereactions are not the same. When I was living in Paris, I has a hard time figuring out how to behave, what to say, what not to say. People could hate me without that I knew why. It was a harsh time.


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16 Sep 2011, 7:49 am

TheWingman wrote:
Maje wrote:

AS friendlier than which country?

I live in France now and the people are just as patient and kind as the people in other countries I have been to. I dont understand your generalization. I dont experience more kindness or patience... but also not the opposite, or any other difference when it comes to AS. Maybe where you are living, the people are generally more unkind and unpatient than other places? I doubt it though... since its relative.

Everybody might be different, they are still some very obvious cultural paterns in each countries. Sscial intereactions are not the same. When I was living in Paris, I has a hard time figuring out how to behave, what to say, what not to say. People could hate me without that I knew why. It was a harsh time.

I know a few people who live in France, the consensus seems to be that Paris and France are very different. They find French people lovely and welcoming, they find Parisians rude and unfriendly. I've heard French people say the same.

Snowy Owl
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16 Sep 2011, 7:58 am

MotherKnowsBest wrote:

I know a few people who live in France, the consensus seems to be that Paris and France are very different. They find French people lovely and welcoming, they find Parisians rude and unfriendly. I've heard French people say the same.

It is true that they say the same but I strongly disagree with that because in Paris, people come from all over France. I have been traveling within the country and I founded that people are not the diffenrent expect for some specific regions.


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16 Sep 2011, 8:16 am

TheWingman wrote:
Maje wrote:

AS friendlier than which country?

I live in France now and the people are just as patient and kind as the people in other countries I have been to. I dont understand your generalization. I dont experience more kindness or patience... but also not the opposite, or any other difference when it comes to AS. Maybe where you are living, the people are generally more unkind and unpatient than other places? I doubt it though... since its relative.

Everybody might be different, they are still some very obvious cultural paterns in each countries. Sscial intereactions are not the same. When I was living in Paris, I has a hard time figuring out how to behave, what to say, what not to say. People could hate me without that I knew why. It was a harsh time.

Yeah, when I meet a new culture I make a lot of mistakes... and learn. If you talk about the cultural patterns, I think I understand where you're at, but I personally dont prefer politeness for example, as it doesnt reduse the distance between me and others. Dont get me wrong here either, I value politeness, but it is not essential for feeling socially adequate (for me!). There are pros and cons to everything, :? I dont know how to get this down other than what I already said: The majority of people in every contry I have been to have exactly that in common that differs from me.... and therefore Im excluded anyway. I am still happy about who I am and wouldnt want to change it.

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16 Sep 2011, 8:21 am

I can't speak comparatively, but living in Japan has been extremely stress-free for me as a person with Asperger's. Japanese social practices are highly regimented, and for every situation there is a rule that can be learned and followed. In Japanese society it is perfectly acceptable to not look at a person you are talking to - in fact, staring or looking directly at someone is considered rude - and in day-to-day interactions Japanese people also tend to be less physically expressive, which means there is very little in the way of subtle body language or facial expressions that need to be interpreted.

On the other hand, nervous tics and fidgeting aren't really acceptable and will be noticed by others, and there is little to nothing in terms of social support for mental disabilities in general, nevermind something as specific as Adult Asperger's.

Snowy Owl
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16 Sep 2011, 8:30 am

Maje wrote:
TheWingman wrote:
Maje wrote:

Yeah, when I meet a new culture I make a lot of mistakes... and learn. If you talk about the cultural patterns, I think I understand where you're at, but I personally dont prefer politeness for example, as it doesnt reduse the distance between me and others. Dont get me wrong here either, I value politeness, but it is not essential for feeling socially adequate (for me!). There are pros and cons to everything, :? I dont know how to get this down other than what I already said: The majority of people in every contry I have been to have exactly that in common that differs from me.... and therefore Im excluded anyway. I am still happy about hwo I am and wouldnt want to change it.

About politness, it's funny how the meaning of this word differs from country to country. In France, I founded out that you can be very polite just by saying Hello, Please, Thank you etc. In other countries, politness mean paying attention to others.

Personally I prefer the secong definition as I'm not very good in the first one.