I hate "differently abled" and "challanged" etc. I don't consider myself to be disabled, but I might if my AS kept me from doing what I want to do. I probably feel like I do because mine is mild. It's either really mild or I have forced myself to work around it for so long that it may seem milder than it is, to other people, and I may just be used to it, plus I don't really have anything to compare it to.
Back to the topic. I think those PC terms sound fake. Or at least they do to me. They sound like "We are going to pretend that this doesn't exist and that it's a good thing! Let's all cheer now!" I'm not only talking about ASD here, I'm talking about every single thing it's applied to. Blindness, deafness, CP, being in a wheelchair, etc, etc, and on and on. To me, it sounds like people are trying to pretend it doesn't exist or trying to pretend like they don't notice it. It just seems fake. I prefer plain terms. To me, AS is a disorder. Admitting that is no different than admitting that I might have an endocrine disorder, or a digestive disorder. It doesn't mean my life is ruined. It means I might need to find different ways to do things.
But the PC words seem to be just too Polyanna and fake happy.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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