I thought it would be interesting to hear what forum members would rate certain sounds they have encountered. Which do you find horrific? which are enticingly pleasant? Use the rating scale below (and if you want to, describe how/why it bothers you, it's origin? would your rating have been different in the past?)
My sounds/noises:
1/10 : The sound of dying aminatronic robots of the speaking variety. That sound they make when their speech is slowing down and becoming deeper before it stops altogether
8/10 : The sounds of number stations. It used to be 1/10 when I was younger but I have challenged this to a point where there is a kind of masochistic desire to stamp out the mind-warping effects of these uncanny sounds.
10/10 : The wavering fluttering noises often heard in tracks made by the artists Boards of Canada, and Oval (especially his track Do While). It would also be a 1/10 younger for the same reason as the above. I think it's interesting that there is a sound therapy that uses such warped electronic noises to desensitize auditory signals in those with ASDs. Maybe there is something to this then. Oh and Radio Head's track Everything In It's Right Place.
9/10 : The sound of ocean waves/brooks/other water sounds. It has always been pleasant for me.
2/10 : The sound of a power drill (esp. power-wolf brand). This was a classic hands-over-ears sound for me. When my father used this, I had to be at a geometrically opposite end of the house. Excruciating. I felt like the thing was going to explode like a bomb.
2/10 : Sirens/fire alarms/megaphones/fog horns. Not much to say about this
7/10 : Saxaphone, Oboe, Clarinet, French Horns, Piccolo. They were originally 2/10's, but my musical tastes slowly changed. I used to refuse to listen to orchestral music when these instruments were used. It was kind of limited to string ensembles, piano concertos, baroque music. Now I find them pleasant when used in songs, but would probably not listen to a solo. However piccolo is still a 2/10
5/10 : Sounds of creaking cabinets and doors. They don't bother me per se, but if I'm not the one opening them I know others are home. It's an indication that I'm going to need to change my demeanour (social anxiety).
2/10 : Loud family conversations at dinner/sounds of a large crowd. Like tiny hammers hitting my ear drums which have turned to thin tin membranes. The hammers are trilling. I start to get very dissociated and feel like an empty shell.
9/10 : Ticking grandfather clock/analog timer/stopwatch/automated mechanical things. A special interest.
10/10 : Well constructed ambient music. Artists like Stars of The Lid. Very isolating when listening with good headphones. Added plus when doing so in public places.
1/10 : The sound of fingernails scratching a ceramic magnet. The feeling of me doing this is just as bad.
Last edited by Jay_1 on 31 Jan 2012, 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.