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19 Feb 2012, 9:56 am

In my dreams people don't speak. If anyone does then it is a shock and I wake up. Things are written down for me to read all over the place and other things I just know, because its my dream after all.

Do people speak in your dreams? Or are there other consistant differences if you compare your dreams to waking life?


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19 Feb 2012, 10:43 am

Yes, I do have people talking. Usually it is only one at a time. The voice can be created as part of my dream or from the outside world and incorporated to the dream. The same is with any sounds.
Then too, I sometimes have audible hallucinations.

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19 Feb 2012, 11:12 am

I can't remember anyone but me speaking in my dreams... how odd


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19 Feb 2012, 11:18 am

I think that people speak to me in my dreams but this topic made me think about it and now I'm not sure.

I can clearly remember times I talked in a dream but so far I haven't been able to think of any specific examples of others talking.

Last edited by hanyo on 19 Feb 2012, 11:23 am, edited 1 time in total.


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19 Feb 2012, 11:22 am

People speak in my dreams. Some dreams have very vivid audio tracks - almost "lucid dream" quality. External, real world sounds also get incorporated sometimes.

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19 Feb 2012, 11:47 am

People speak to me in my dreams as well. Do any of you guys have lucid dreams sometimes? I had one a long time ago and would really like to experience it again.

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19 Feb 2012, 12:08 pm

Yes, in my dreams people speak, though when I try to remember the dream afterwards, it is mute. Also, in most of my dreams I have severely impaired sight and movement, I often feel drunk, when I am in dream. On the other hand, I seem to have extremely enhanced sense of smell; I am even able to remember the dreams by how they smell. I think it is caused by a phenomenon of a dominant sense. I read it in some psychology article (and it sounded pretty reasonable and it had some references), that people usually have one or two dominant senses - these senses are much stronger than the others and people tend to remember more information gathered by them.

Personally, I seem to have dominant sense of smell; I can recognize any place I ever went, because each of them has its own distinctive smell and I almost always smell something others do not. It also poses a problem, because unpleasant smells are more unpleasant for me than for the others and curiously, it is sometimes a problem when relating to girls. Especially when they do not wear perfume, I usually pickup the smell of their pheromones and that has some socially negative effects on me (I think I do not need to explain). Even with my girlfriend it caused some awkward moments, since she freaked out because I really like the way she smells so I try to catch her odour whenever I am with her. Also, oversensitivity comes into the picture here, I cannot cuddle with her for a extended period of time, because I usually get irritated by her smell after the while.

My weakest sense seems to be hearing, I am especially bad in remembering people's voices; I cannot recall even how my own voice sounds like. Also, my sight memory also appears to be pretty bad, my picturelike memories are always distorted, though I can visually remember the big picture (the overall constellation of things) pretty well.

If you try to fit it in character of my dreams, I think it fits it pretty well.....

P.S. The intensity with which I can remember information gathered by the senses has nothing to do with the sensitivity of my senses. I must say that I am have a bit oversensitive all of my senses; I strongly dislike bright light, loud noises (or some specific noises regardless of their volume), strong smells for prolonged periods of time and any form of touching over which I have no control)

Also, I forgot to say, that regardless of their dominance my senses all seem pretty sharp, especially my sight (I can see in the dark very well)


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19 Feb 2012, 12:15 pm

I never thought of it. I'll have to pay attention to that.

I think I just know everything. I know I don't talk in my dreams. If I do, I wake myself up.

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19 Feb 2012, 12:16 pm

AnOldHFA wrote:
Yes, I do have people talking. Usually it is only one at a time. The voice can be created as part of my dream or from the outside world and incorporated to the dream. The same is with any sounds.
Then too, I sometimes have audible hallucinations.

Same here.

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19 Feb 2012, 12:20 pm

Yes, people are always talking in my dreams. I talk a lot too.

But people act differently in my dreams than they do in real life. For example, when I have an outburst in real life, everyone gets upset and angry with me, but if I'm having a dream where I'm having an outburst, everybody acts all calm and then forgets about it afterwards straight away.



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19 Feb 2012, 12:31 pm

I'm sure it sometimes happens, because I've had dreams so realistic that I didn't realize for months (maybe even a year in one case), that a conversation that had occurred while I was dreaming hadn't occurred.


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19 Feb 2012, 7:22 pm

A good friend once told me she was often unsure if something had really happened or if she just dreamt it. I suppose that would be a bigger problem the more lifelike your dreams are and if people had conversations in them.

I can't imagine how a dream conversation might go like, the speech in my dreams isn't like that, its more of an exclaimation of something.

How can a conversation occur when the only person having the dream is you? Conversations need input from other people too, but I suppose dreams have no problem with the impossible anyway.

I have only had a couple of lucid dreams in my life, would love more, they are really good!


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19 Feb 2012, 8:01 pm

Yep. People speak in my dreams. Many at once. Lately my dreams have been cluttered with people.
My dreams feel just like real life but are slowed down. I think in the environment all action is slowed down.

I always mistake what happened in a dream for reality. Since I've been living in Sydney the over cluttered-ness of people in my dream at least makes me notice the difference.

I haven't had a back and forward conversation in my dreams but I've had people talking to me in a conversational style. This is probably why I wake up so frustrated having not been able to talk back to a certain band member.

My sister says she can taste in her dreams. I can experience touch.

I wrote about my most vivid dream which I remember in a lot of detail: ... al-storms/

My latest dream was my brain's way of putting together the various information I know about a solar eclipse. It was so close but needed more areas to be awake. It was another socially cluttered dream which involved me pointing to the stars (during daytime) and calling my sister to get her to turn around because the stars had stretched. I turn where she is looking and the Sun is orange and an odd shape, going square. Then a bright ball of light comes out and presto it is day time again.
My dreams never get solar eclipses right.

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19 Feb 2012, 8:07 pm

Other people are hardly there at all in my dreams. When they are, they do speak sometimes.

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19 Feb 2012, 8:19 pm

i'm not sure if people in my dreams talk per-se; but they do have conversations.
i never really payed such close attention, so i dont know if they actually speak or i just know what they are talking about, but at least there is dia/multi-logue in my dreams; i am even able to 'talk' back should i choose to.


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19 Feb 2012, 8:21 pm

Yes, but I have never noticed if it more than one person speaking at a time or not.

I have noticed that often people's voices in my dreams sound different than in real life.