Sanctus wrote:
(...) complains about how I sound cold and uninterested. Fact is I find it hard to concentrate on what is being said in a phone call.
A trick that might help the cold and uninterested tone, is smiling. I worked at a place where I answered 3-400 phonecalls each day. The irony is that I started working there because I didn't like phonecalls. Sort of a "jump in the deep end"-tactic. I worked there part time for maybe 4-5 months. The result? I still hate phonecalls, but I've learned to smile when I answer the phone. A smile can be heard. And the beauty of it, they can't see your smile, so you don't have to be self-conscious about it.
I think it's primarily my social anxiety that causes my dred for phonecalls.
AQ: 42/50 || SQ: 32/80 || IQ(RPM): 138 || IRI-empathytest(PT/EC/FS/PD): 10(-7)/16(-3)/19(+3)/19(+10) || Alexithymia: 148/185 || Aspie-quiz: AS 133/200, NT 56/200