I can't remember names at all of characters or real life people. However... well for instance, we held a mock trial for our scout troop the other day. Two weeks prior to this, we went through the facts of the fictional crime and did interviews with "witnesses" and stuff. Then when we held the mock trial and interviewed the defendant and the witnesses, well they were looking up their answers to the questions in their notes. So it was very tedious having them look up the questions, so I (a "lawyer") just started shouting out the correct answers to the person being interviewed. An example would be "where was the gun when you walked in?" and I just said "on the table" and then the "witness" just went with what I said I took a language test today and sort of didn't study for certain sections of the content because I didn't think I would be tested on it. Then when I got to the test, I was like "wtf, they're testing me on this?" But, the weird thing was that I knew all of the answers anyway.
I know lots of facts about lots of stuff... off the top of my head... the Jones town Massacre: 918 people died in 1978. It resulted in the only death of a US congressman while in service (forgot his name). They had done rehearsals before hand to test if people would actually do it. Those who were too young too drink the potassium cyanide and sedative laced "flavor aid" (not cool-aid) were injected with hypodermic needles. Jim Jones was bisexual, but preached against any same-sex attraction. The name of the group was "The People's Temple". Jim Jones was known to having killed a cat with a stick and also held funerals for dead animals while he was a child. He studied Karl Marx and Adolf Hitler extensively. I believe it was 909 People's Temple members died, and 9 non-members were killed (not certain). Well, the point is that I can remember lots of very strange- in this case tragic, facts about stuff.
Do I have HFA? Nope, I've never seen a psychiatrist in my life. I'm just here to talk to you crazies. ; - )