I want some reparation payments. What about you?!

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17 Dec 2012, 1:00 am

I know I'm not the first one on this website who has thought of this. All of us on here who are no longer children and 'on our own'......so to speak went through alot of pain and misery that was not of our own making............I think I speak for everybody when I say that every last adult ois entitled to some form of compensation......naturally what I would like is to take everybody who ever tormented me as a child.....make them bite down on a sidewalk while I bash their head in wearing a jackboot like in that movie American History X. Sadly the country I live in will not let me get away with that. So in compensation I want a check once every month for the next 26 years of my life compensating me for what I lost as a child.

What about the rest of you what do you want?


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17 Dec 2012, 1:01 am

I want a pint of stout, a deluxe pizza, and a slice of apple pie.


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17 Dec 2012, 1:05 am

A six pack of beer every day is fine with me.


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17 Dec 2012, 1:21 am

the best revenge is livng well. no one's gonna give that to you.

resentment is a poison that destroys the vessel it's in.

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17 Dec 2012, 1:25 am

I want a blow job and a hovercraft

Diagnosed: AS / ADHD / OCD


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17 Dec 2012, 1:28 am

Well nobody is going to give either of you beer, pizza and pie directly. Wouldn't it be great if you could buy those things with a check that came to you each month from the system that wronged you?!

As far as living well you are right, I intend to do that.......partially by taking it out of the hands of Jane and JOe Q. Public who for years shunned me and tossed me aside like I was a freak.

And I don't believe in turning the other cheek either. If somebody wrongs you you get revenge.


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17 Dec 2012, 1:30 am

Reparations will never happen. The closest you can get are disability payments, and in some parts of the world (such as the US) those payments are fairly trivial but hard to get.


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17 Dec 2012, 1:36 am

It can happen if you have enough people who think similarly.


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17 Dec 2012, 1:39 am

The government didn't wrong me. It's not their fault I have autism. I am scraping by, and getting very little to no help at all, but I can't say they owe me "reparation payments".

Diagnosed with classic Autism
AQ score= 48
PDD assessment score= 170 (severe PDD)
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17 Dec 2012, 1:39 am

So will that be reparations for just autistic people or all disabled people? I know a lot of people whose lives are a mess because of unidentified disabilities that they only learned about in adulthood, but not all of them are autistic.

I don't think reparations are necessary or likely.


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17 Dec 2012, 1:58 am

This thread is pretty embarrassing. There are actually some clear cases of people who deserve some form of reperations, most specifically people that were put in mental health wards back in the 60`s, but this I think is somewhat rare.


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17 Dec 2012, 2:04 am

Yes I think based on my experiences with the system and this society that would be nice but unlikely. I think the closest I might get is SSI which technically isn't meant as compensation specifically, but I have joked how it might as well be. Just can't help thinking I'd be more functional had people not decided to give me the ostracism treatment as a child just because I was 'weird'.

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17 Dec 2012, 2:06 am

Stoek wrote:
This thread is pretty embarrassing. There are actually some clear cases of people who deserve some form of reperations, most specifically people that were put in mental health wards back in the 60`s, but this I think is somewhat rare.

These are the only people who have had their problems increased by the system? sure they certainly would in my opinion be deserving of reparations, but the existence of those people does not mean no one here deserves any. Though it is rather subjective, whether or not one deserves something.

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17 Dec 2012, 2:10 am

Stoek wrote:
This thread is pretty embarrassing. There are actually some clear cases of people who deserve some form of reperations, most specifically people that were put in mental health wards back in the 60`s, but this I think is somewhat rare.

Also, people who were sterilized against their will and people who were lobotomized against their will.


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17 Dec 2012, 2:17 am

JohnConnor wrote:
And I don't believe in turning the other cheek either. If somebody wrongs you you get revenge.

I probably thought that when I was fourteen.

Then I grew up.


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17 Dec 2012, 2:20 am

I posted this before, thought I would post it again.
Subsequent to Aspergers being added to the DSM in 1994 should doctors have reviewed all prior diagnosis of depression, social anxiety or other possibly misdiagnosed conditions.

If a car company finds that the design of component affecting safety if faulty it has to do a recall to fix all the vehicles or advise people about it. Instead it appears the medical profession can just do nothing.

I have read many times on this site of the "laundry list" of diagnosis before getting to the cause of Aspergers. Then it has been Dr Google that had the correct diagnosis.

In 1984 I was told "it's just depression" and prescribed antidepressants that did nothing. I tried to explain that I felt I had "logical depression" because of my lack of social contact. Why wouldn't I be depressed if I am alone with no friends. My point is that subsequent to Asperger's being added to the DSM that diagnosis should have been reviewed. Would it be too much to have been contacted by the doctor I saw in 1984? Or all the doctors since?

I just don't think it is good enough. So I am trying to think if a class action is possible. Just an idea.