Heidi80 wrote:
Hell yeah, all the time. I don't mean to be rude, but somehow I just always say/do the wrong things.
It is downright depressing that you see it that way. =(
You aren't "being rude" ... You're just expressing yourself in the way that makes the most sense to you. There is nothing "wrong" in your doing it.
It is their interpretation that is off. It is the mundie tendency to read false positives into every interaction... To infer things never said, then blame their insane troll logic on you. It is the way everything to them comes down to moral or social hierarchy, and they see every interaction as an opportunity to scramble up these imaginary levels at anyone else's expense.
Mundie etiquette is BS. Always. And you'd be advised not to ever let their crap get you down. It is their stupid and pointless game, and you don't have to give it the time of day.