finger wrote:
Such as, Facebook and Twitter? I've abstained from them for while now for my own personal reasons. Besides the constant monitoring, advertising, and time wasting that is found on these websites, I feel like an idiot whenever I want to say something, because all anyone wants to talk about is silly poop and boogers. Anyway, I will continue to abstain from social media, but what are your opinioins on this matter?
Yes, I know this is social media, but its not the same.
On a side note, I've read many pseudoscience papers relating abstaing from social media to personality disorders like psychopathy, or that you're just a self-centered as*hole. It just makes me angry because people read this and are manipulated into using their website that will collect everything about them and suck away their life. #Notaconspiracytheorist
I hate social media. The idea of it just seems to be for vacuous NTs to gossip. Having said that, I heard a news report that they think people who use social media are more likely to be lonely and have less friends. Perhaps it is in fact, not an NTs paradise but a social misfit's paradise, maybe there are loads of Aspies on there, it's just not for me.
*Truth fears no trial*
DX AS & both daughters on the autistic spectrum