Apparently we have our own concept on what fake is
I was out on the patio talking to my mother while my son was playing in his new fort my husband and my dad and uncle built for him and it's still has yet to be finished. We were talking about my old neighborhood I grew up in up till 12 years of age before we moved. Mom was talking about these neighbors we had when we lived there and I sure learned something new about the parents. Mom told me she didn't like the guy that lived there and she thought he was mean and verbally abusive to his wife just by what he'd say about women and what he thought of them. She said she didn't like either of them but she still talked to the woman that lived there and I said to her I guess I did her and them a favor unintentionally, asking her right in front of her why she was talking to her and I thought she didn't like her. That family never spoke to my mother again and I said in the conversation today it was as if I was saying "stop pretending you are friends" and mom told me she wasn't pretending, she was just being a good neighbor by chatting with her and you can still chat with someone and not be their friend. She also told me you can still talk to someone even if you don't like them because it's part of being a good neighbor. To me it all seemed fake because if you don't like someone, why pretend so? But to her it's not fake. So I had learned NTs have their own concept on what fakeness is. We think it's fake when someone doesn't like us but act like they do by chatting with us and to them it's not fake.
It must be a social thing, part of the social rules.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.
You know why I like rednecks? They don't have the capacity, generally speaking, of coloring their words with fancy schmancy dictum. They tell you how it is in plain English. If they don't like you they'll let you know. Ditto if they like you. It's refreshing not to have to decipher what somebody means and whether or not it smacks of the truth. Political correctness and nice for the sake of being neighborly? Ugh. Who invented that?!
One Day At A Time.
His first book: ... B00E0NVTL2
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not genuine; imitation or counterfeit:
she got on the plane with a fake passport
a fake Cockney accent•(of a person) claiming to be something that one is not:
a fake doctor
a thing that is not genuine; a forgery or sham:
fakes of Old Masters•a person who falsely claims to be something:
I felt sure that some of the nuns were fakes
[with object]forge or counterfeit (something):
she faked her spouse’s signature•pretend to feel or have (an emotion, illness, or injury):
Rob faked suspicion, a jealous concern
•make (an event) appear to happen:
he faked his own death
•(fake someone out) North American informal trick or deceive someone.
This is about what I think of when when using the word fake, I think you discribe one of the natural flaws of NT thinking. Of course your mom is fakeing friendship, the problem she has managed to confuse herself in her effort for social sucess, changeing the meaning of the words friend and fake to feel OK with her fake friendship that while she did not desire she required. I don't think I would have that problem becouse I view fake and friend with black and white think thinking, to a fault according to most people i know, i'm sure meny here do as well.
It must be a social thing, part of the social rules.
League_Girl, I know exactly what you mean. To me, if I don't like someone I am not going to associate with them and I will do everything I can to avoid them. On the other hand, I will not curse them out either. I will be courteous and polite with them. If I don't have to speak to someone or associate with someone I do not like why would I speak or associate with them? This is where the concept of frenemies comes into play. I've never understood this. Do you?
A friend means according to the oxford dictionary a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations. Before you said anything did this woman ever believe she and your mom were friends? Do you know what was in this woman's mind? If she thought she and your mom was friends then to me it seems like your mom was putting on a façade. I interpret it the same way as you.
IMHO, I want to know where the relationship stands. I hate when someone acts like they're my friend when they're not. I am of Jewish descent. If a person going to call me a k*e then call me a k*e. If a person thinks I am a ret*d then don't state that I am smart when you do not think that I am. At least with the Ku Klux Klan, I know as a person of Jewish descent where I stand with them.
Honestly, as much as it pains me to say it we're going to have to learn to just suck it up and deal with it. We do live in their world and no matter how crazy it may seem to us I am going to have to state what the true golden rule is. It is not "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." The true golden rule is "He who owns all of the gold makes the rules."
not genuine; imitation or counterfeit:
she got on the plane with a fake passport
a fake Cockney accent•(of a person) claiming to be something that one is not:
a fake doctor
a thing that is not genuine; a forgery or sham:
fakes of Old Masters•a person who falsely claims to be something:
I felt sure that some of the nuns were fakes
[with object]forge or counterfeit (something):
she faked her spouse’s signature•pretend to feel or have (an emotion, illness, or injury):
Rob faked suspicion, a jealous concern
•make (an event) appear to happen:
he faked his own death
•(fake someone out) North American informal trick or deceive someone.
This is about what I think of when when using the word fake, I think you discribe one of the natural flaws of NT thinking. Of course your mom is fakeing friendship, the problem she has managed to confuse herself in her effort for social sucess, changeing the meaning of the words friend and fake to feel OK with her fake friendship that while she did not desire she required. I don't think I would have that problem becouse I view fake and friend with black and white think thinking, to a fault according to most people i know, i'm sure meny here do as well.
She told me they were not friends and talking to someone doesn't mean you are friends. I would have to agree there because just because a stranger talks to me and I talk to them, does that make us friends? I would never see them again so I don't see the point of them being my friend. It's just that one time thing. What if we always saw each other on the train and they always talked to me and I talked to them, are we friends? People would call it an acquaintance because you do nothing together off the bus or train and you don't go to them for problems or for their support.
In think everyone is an acquaintance now than a friend.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.
It must be a social thing, part of the social rules.
League_Girl, I know exactly what you mean. To me, if I don't like someone I am not going to associate with them and I will do everything I can to avoid them. On the other hand, I will not curse them out either. I will be courteous and polite with them. If I don't have to speak to someone or associate with someone I do not like why would I speak or associate with them? This is where the concept of frenemies comes into play. I've never understood this. Do you?
A friend means according to the oxford dictionary a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations. Before you said anything did this woman ever believe she and your mom were friends? Do you know what was in this woman's mind? If she thought she and your mom was friends then to me it seems like your mom was putting on a façade. I interpret it the same way as you.
IMHO, I want to know where the relationship stands. I hate when someone acts like they're my friend when they're not. I am of Jewish descent. If a person going to call me a k*e then call me a k*e. If a person thinks I am a ret*d then don't state that I am smart when you do not think that I am. At least with the Ku Klux Klan, I know as a person of Jewish descent where I stand with them.
Honestly, as much as it pains me to say it we're going to have to learn to just suck it up and deal with it. We do live in their world and no matter how crazy it may seem to us I am going to have to state what the true golden rule is. It is not "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." The true golden rule is "He who owns all of the gold makes the rules."
I am guilty of talking to people I don't like. They talk to me so I talk to them and they are being nice to me so I am being nice to them. I always assume they must like me. I can't bring myself to be mean to them or unfriendly. I am sure some people here think this is fake. One of my aspie friends told me this was a good quality I have and I have felt shamed for it here because members here made it out to be a bad thing. Maybe it was just something that was drilled into me as a child. I know another aspie friend who is the same. I could never stand people who are nasty to someone just because they don't like them. I just think they are not nice people rather than thinking they are genuine and I stay the hell away from them because if they are nasty to someone, how do I know they won't treat me that way too? I guess I have found another thing on my list whom I don't get along with, people who are mean to others just because they don't like them.
I am not sure if the neighbor thought they were friends.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.
Yeah, I think it all has to do with being urbane and employing Emily Post social etiquette. Phooey.
Totally fake. I noticed this first when I was about 22 (in 2008) and my boyfriend at the time was feigning interest when his friend was talking about her new high heels. I just thought 'you don't actually care' Sadly I have learned to feign interest. people think you're rude and can even get verbally abusive.
Sometimes I just let people know that I don't have any interest in what they're talking about. I even blurt out when I'm painfully bored.
When it comes to people I don't like I don't talk to them or even look at them, and if pushed I'll make it quite clear how much I hate them. I always tell people 'I don't get along with everyone.'
I sometimes say/do things to be polite but sometimes I don't even want to do that. It depends what's going on in my head.
Lately, I've been thinking because of my sister and her boyfriend's verbal fights, that they should just split up. Then one night there was a terrible fight and I thought it was over for good, but he was around the next day. He told me 'I'm a f***king idiot for coming back, aren't I?' I wondered but why is he back? Then it hit me. Oh the sex.
What's funny is when I do things like clean other peoples dishes, give people money, or bring in their washing, it looks polite but I'm really getting it out of the way. But I guess I'm so generous I can't help it.
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For me it depends who the person is. For example, I know someone who is passionately in love with horses. She knows that I don't really care for them, since I have said it in the politest possible way, but she'll still talk of them, and it creates a one-sided conversation. But I don't mind, really. It's only for half an hour on the way home, and I can do strange things and she won't mind. She'll talk about horses while my hand is a fish or I'm an aeroplane, and I don't get looked at strangely, because I'm not alone. And I don't fake anything because she knows where I stand on horses. I still feel something fake about it, though. But everyone else I'm very blunt with and I see no idea why that upsets people.
If they ask for your opinion, and you give it, why do they get upset? One of the things about NTs I've never understood. "Oh.. thanks, (iliketrees). Thanks a lot" is apparently sarcasm, too, and I should not respond with "You're welcome" or "No problem" as they get even madder at me, thinking I'm doing it on purpose.
But it seems fake to me. If I hate someone for whatever reason, I don't speak to them, look at them even less than I usually would, and try to get away whenever I see them. Your parents talking to someone and not wanting to be friends does seem fake somehow.. not sure why.
For example, someone is mad at me for going on and on about the same thing (lol hypocrite), proving her wrong all the time (I like correcting things.. it's her fault for being wrong ), and in older to get back at me, she's trying to steal my new "friend" I guess (horse lover), even though all she does is insult her on the way home, tell her to shut up, and is genuinely a mean person. Now that one is fake. And disgusting.
Fake, phoney, false, all these words when applied to human beings unskillful ways of communicating, be they NT or AS are very unhelpful.
I feel if we could all see that communucation for all of us is at times so challenging and show compassion, to ourselves and to others, we would be more able to cross the devide that seperates not only the autistic world from the non autistic world, but to make the world more joyful for everyone.
We can all be insincere. We all have our masks and we all suffer from suffocation from wearing them.
When a person can realize that no group and no culture has a monopoly on being imperfect, then and only then can we create a bridge over the abyss that seperates us from our true humanity.
I wished I was better at being fake. I can do it for a short time. Hours, or even days. But once I am daily in contact with someone, they find out what I really think.
And sarcasm... I always thought I m good at that. Fact is, I m sarcastic a lot of the times, but I never see it when others are. It s very hard for me to spot if they are sarcastic or not.
And people that know me really well know that in 50% of the cases when I sound sarcastic, I really mean what I say. But when I say it hidden as a sarcastic joke, I can say my opinion and nobody can attack me for it. So far, only my wife has found that out.

Joined: 17 Apr 2013
Age: 51
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There are people I don't like who I talk to because I am around them a lot and can't avoid them. I have realised they are unreliable and sometimes dishonest. I try not to spend time in their company if I can get away.
But I will be polite because it's easier to deal with someone who thinks I like them than someone who knows I don't. They are less polite, less helpful and more likely to say nasty things or actively do things that might harm me if I make it obvious I don't like them.
I don't expect much from them because I know already they don't respect me or value me as a person.
I don't try to impress them or act like I want to be friends and do stuff together. I am being true to myself because I am looking after my own interests.
To me, being polite and listening to them talk about themselves is something that benefits me in the end. I don't enjoy it much but it makes life smoother.
There is a person who ignores me most of the time. He only takes the time to chat with me when he wants something. So I politely listen to him being "friendly" and wait a couple of days for the request to come in. Then I make my choice. Do I support him or not? It depends on whether I think it's a good idea or not. If I want to help him I will and if I don't I won't. I don't try to win his favour. I don't give in to please him. I don't try to thwart him or oppose him it I don't care one way or the other.
I suspect when I agree with him he thinks he has fooled me into thinking he's my friend. And when I disagree with him he thinks I am a nasty person. This is the impression I get from his behaviour afterwards. I have tried to work out why he behaves the same way every time.
I'm not sure, but I think the mistake he is making is that I need his approval and so will help him to win that approval. I also concluded he thinks I'm too stupid to notice what he is doing.
But I will be polite because it's easier to deal with someone who thinks I like them than someone who knows I don't. They are less polite, less helpful and more likely to say nasty things or actively do things that might harm me if I make it obvious I don't like them.
I don't expect much from them because I know already they don't respect me or value me as a person.
I don't try to impress them or act like I want to be friends and do stuff together. I am being true to myself because I am looking after my own interests.
To me, being polite and listening to them talk about themselves is something that benefits me in the end. I don't enjoy it much but it makes life smoother.
There is a person who ignores me most of the time. He only takes the time to chat with me when he wants something. So I politely listen to him being "friendly" and wait a couple of days for the request to come in. Then I make my choice. Do I support him or not? It depends on whether I think it's a good idea or not. If I want to help him I will and if I don't I won't. I don't try to win his favour. I don't give in to please him. I don't try to thwart him or oppose him it I don't care one way or the other.
I suspect when I agree with him he thinks he has fooled me into thinking he's my friend. And when I disagree with him he thinks I am a nasty person. This is the impression I get from his behaviour afterwards. I have tried to work out why he behaves the same way every time.
I'm not sure, but I think the mistake he is making is that I need his approval and so will help him to win that approval. I also concluded he thinks I'm too stupid to notice what he is doing.
IMO, if someone thinks you are their friend because you talk to them, I find it to be their problem and not mine. It's not tricking them, they just assumed you were a friend and it's not your fault they can't tell the difference between friend and acquaintance and they don't know what a friend is really. I had to learn that talking to people doesn't make them your friend. Someone talking to you doesn't make them your friend. it's called an acquaintance.
NTs seem to make this wrong assumption too because people have called my acquaintances friends, especially on forums just because I post on there and people have replied to my posts or threads and I have replied to theirs. To me that isn't a friend, it's called being on a forum.
That person could be an idiot you're dealing with or someone who likes to play head games. Also sounds like a black and white thinker you're dealing with, whenever people disagree with them, they feel attacked and think they are. I avoid people like him.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.
It must be a social thing, part of the social rules.
There's a difference between "not liking" someone and "disliking" them. Unfortunately, when "doesn't like" or "don't like" is openly said, it invariably gets taken as meaning "dislike".
Took me a good while to figure that out.
AQ 31
Your Aspie score: 100 of 200 / Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 101 of 200
You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits
What would these results mean? Been told here I must be a "half pint".
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