LisaFiene wrote:
Thanks Auntblabby. John is hypersensitive to sights and sounds etc (listens to the TV on silent a lot, and gets stressed with the banging of pans etc.), yet he's hyposensitive to his internal body cues. Just trying to understand it all really
I personally believe Autism is mainly about lacking a common Theory of Mind (the ability to attribute mental states—beliefs, intents, desires, pretending, knowledge, etc.—to oneself and others and to understand that others have beliefs, desires, and intentions that are different from one's own).
When you don't have a proper functioning Theory of Mind, you are not properly aware of other people's minds, but also not of your own mind. Instead of being aware of minds, you are really aware of "everything". The problem is lacking the filter that most people have: this filter makes you focus on people's minds (also your own), and filter out all other irrelevant things. Things are only relevant if they are relevant to the minds of people.
So that's why you can at the same time be hypersensitive to sights and sounds, but hyposensitive to internal body cues. There is no filter, so everything gets through, and the most noisy/overwhelming things come first instead of what is important - the mind shouting you are hungry/thirsty.