Have you been able to repair your relationships, friendships, acquaintanceships, etc...Or do things just go downhill to the point where you feel apologizing (or whatever it takes to make things 'right' again) only makes things worse?
In my experience, most people seem to like me less in the long run, with the exception of a few so far.
For example, I'll see an acquaintance in passing from time to time and we'll have a conversation, only for the person to avoid me after a while. However, if a significant amount of time passes, the person says "Hi" to me again but that's the extent of it. Absence seems to make the heart grow fonder...
I know one acquaintance who stopped talking to me. She stopped saying "Hi" and initiating contact and began to only speak when spoken to. In this case, I feel like I did something wrong without knowing what it was, and any future attempts to "repair" things will only make things worse.
I wonder if it is possible for an Aspie to "repair" lost connections with people. For example, if you feel like things are going downhill and someone no longer likes you anymore......Does attempting to fix it work for you, or does this only make things worse?
Have you ever had success in repairing lost connections with people or do you burn bridges?