Jaden wrote:
Our issues as individuals with AS are not the only factors in being accepted in the eyes of society, society's acceptence depends entirely on whether or not society deems an individual worthy of attention and acception into the collective.
My ideal aspie would be self reliant...
He would develop tools/resources to increase personal independence...
After all, he is at the mercy of an alien world which often views him/her as something broken or threatening.
He would also not be inclined to lower his expectations...
He would refuse the principle of slotting into a position of the lowest common denominator to pacify an alien social system systemically oriented around hierarchical status.
My ideal aspie would not rebel against this social mechanism due to pride...
He would do so to protect the integrity of his individuality...
Jaden wrote:
Our problems from AS do contribute, but ultimately it's society's unwillingness to accept difference in other people that causes us to be separate from them. Blaming AS as being the sole problem in that is imo shortsighted, and only serves to make us think further that we're the ones that are broken while "society is just fine". The fact is, society is more broken than we are.
I think we can "blame" the evolutionary process for tribalistic social/community protectionism.
Presumably, in humanity's "genesis", there was a life and death struggle for the limited resources available...
Presumably this could have incorporated an "instinct" to eliminate the threat of, not only resource stealing by foreign tribal incursions, but internal elements that didn't directly contribute to the social harmony of that particular tribe.
This survival trait was then passed down through genetic material by the more successful aggression oriented tribes, as can be clearly seen in animal behaviour...
In essence, the nice guy/tribe finished last and was not as effective in the procreation race...
Personally, it seems the inmates have control of the asylum...
This seeming insanity is an unfortunate aspect of the nature of neurotypicalism and the consequences of the dominance of that particular life form in this life system...
Objective assessment of the situation for aspies:
Dominant life forms hostile.
Relocation to a less toxic planetary system advisable...