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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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30 Jan 2007, 6:14 am

after a (very) long time searching for a reason, it seems to me that ionizing radiation is involved. maybe you have to go many generations back. if there is anyone else searching in this direction, please contact me. also

they try to discerp connections. they cover the tracks. how? they use many irrelevant details. you should never get lost in details. to get lost in details is your vulnerability.


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30 Jan 2007, 6:41 am

To get lost in the details is both blessing and curse....don't be afraid to look into the eye of god...only the eyes of men hold lies and deception...thus spoke Sedartha....LOL.

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30 Jan 2007, 9:36 am

Who knows. There maybe a genetic predispostion to be more sensitive to some unknown enviromental toxins/or event.

UV radiation and reduce skin pigment plus some common subtance
in our enviroment could create unknown secondary chemical (that
maybe known but not known to be neurotoxic).

Its possible that no enviromental factor is a play to. It could be all


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30 Jan 2007, 12:32 pm

My dad's family history started in Ireland, where my ancestors had to leave because of the Potato famine... or whatever the event was called. My mom's side began in Lithuania. Both sides migrated to the East Coast. My parents lived in small cities, so I don't think radiation could really have affected them. I'm the first person in my family, to my knowledge, to have AS, so it's definitely something worth thinking about some more.


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30 Jan 2007, 8:51 pm

So far I don't know much about Aurtism or Asperger's, but I *think* I remember when searching in other directions that there can be a connection between radiation and hypothyroidism. Sorry if it's irrelevant.


Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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31 Jan 2007, 12:37 pm

isnaut wrote:
So far I don't know much about Aurtism or Asperger's, but I *think* I remember when searching in other directions that there can be a connection between radiation and hypothyroidism. Sorry if it's irrelevant.

you are right, it´s called hashimoto thyroiditis, ord thyroiditis or graves disease (also called morbus hashimoto/ord/basedow).

there are connections between:

vitiligo (white patches on skin), sometimes also brown patches, any form of skin pigment disorders)
dermatitis herpetiformis duhring
multiple sclerosis
celiac disease
mosaic trisomy
turner disorder
urticaria (to x-ray, to coldness etc.)
diabetes-like disease
bipolar disorder
borderline personality disorder
lyme disease
depressive disorder

this is not a complete list.

many of this diseases are treatable with thyroxine, are common in iodine deficiency areas (or abundance of radiation areas) and disease clusters are very often near nuclear power plants.

many of this diseases go together with a blunted tsh response to trh test, fatigue and adrenal fatigue.

iodine deficiency makes vulnerable to (ionizing) radiation. therefore, they use iodinated drinking water and iodinated animal feed in industrialized western countries. many of them are sensitive to iodine.

have you ever seen a girl with hashimoto´s disease? some hairs gets white before the age of 30, the face seems to be much younger than biological age. did you ever heard about this, perhaps in another relation? :)

keep in mind: i am not really sure...


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31 Jan 2007, 11:08 pm

chung wrote:
have you ever seen a girl with hashimoto´s disease? some hairs gets white before the age of 30, the face seems to be much younger than biological age. did you ever heard about this, perhaps in another relation? :)

Don't think so. How stress related is all this though? Any connections to dyshidrosis(sp)?

I've always been guessed younger than my age, though it's catching up with me now. I think that's my half-Filipino blood though. People guess me in the forties, I'm 54. In my late twenties I had an uncharacteristic spirt of white hairs, but I related that to the abusive relationship I was in. I've had outbreaks of dyshidrosis of and on since I was 12, but this last outbreak has lasted several years. I calluse very easy. Skin's thickening, I get scaly. I suspected hashimoto´s so when I had a check up I asked if they'd check thyroid and they said they always do. Nothing abnormal.

I know for a period I was manic depressive. Unfortunately this turned into just depressive. Gawd I miss manic. I haven't had energy for decades.

I'm always complaining that everything in restaurants is too salty. Big gripe of mine. I know they put iodine in salt... so, ya think I need some kind of iodine supplement?

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31 Jan 2007, 11:37 pm

Interesting hypothesis. They actually x-rayed me in utero! (before ultrasound of course). But then, my father was an Aspie anyway, as was most of his family.

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31 Jan 2007, 11:44 pm

As ionising radiation can cause damage to genetic material it is theoretically possible depending on your beliefs on the theiories that ASD's are genetically caused.

It would need extensive studies to prove the theory. Gathering data and evidence would be a struggle. There are many variables to consider including genetic combinations within families, passing down family tree of defective genes, effect of radiation on sperm and eggs, effect of radiation post conception in early pregnancy etc etc.


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31 Jan 2007, 11:48 pm

how do you think radiation causes it? And why is asperger's so different from lower functioning autism?

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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01 Feb 2007, 2:49 am

isnaut wrote:
Don't think so. How stress related is all this though? Any connections to dyshidrosis(sp)?

dyshidrosis is very common in hypothyroidism/hashimoto, many of them are not able to get simple fever. the role of cortisol deficiency in stress seems to be clear. but where to get is unclear: serum, urine or saliva? saliva seems to be more important than the other. however, cortisol deficiency is known to leads to an atopic-like disease with allergies. i think you wouldn´t be able to overlook allergies. skin thickening is a possible sign of myxedema (not only). you have to know there is a tsh debate in usa and many other parts in the world, based on the finding (>>>) that the definition of tsh-average included also thyroid illness people... maybe the gaussian paper get lost... they realized now that many many people are affected by thyroid problems. some mds said, that the only possible emergency brake is a new tsh reference with an upper limit of 10! present tpo antibodies and reduced contrast medium uptake are signs of hashimoto's disease. it is possible that people are euthyroid (tsh within reference range), even if tpo antibodies are present. tpo antibodies are high also in some other autoimmune disorders and also non autoimmune disorders. they play with reference ranges and limit values in many cases. it’s all a question of definitions. very clearly seems to be the link between thyroid disorders and anxiety and panic disorders. however, i'm not able to say something related to your thyroid. you have to investigate yourself in all directions. i'm neither a doctor nor a medical doctor.

(ionizing) radiation itself is not bad. it is not only human made. it seems to be also a possible motor of evolution. maybe we should not play so much with it.

alex, this belongs to the wide range of radiobiology. there are so many different interests involved. it´s the same: they play with reference ranges and limit values in many cases. radiation and gene expression is very complex and not fully understood. with radiation all is possible. this hypothesis is based not on autism research, it is based on associated diseases, which are known to run often in their families. and some of this diseases seems to be clearly linked to radiation. i know, with five hops and fancifulness you are able to link your left shou to the eyebrows of elvis. this is not the theory of everything. and associations are not always causal relations. there are many other hypotheses and radiation effects could be a part of the whole story.

btw: eyebrows, if from elvis or not, lateral eyebrows are often thin in atopy and hypothyroidism (have a look at stigmata of the atopic constitution)

Sea Gull
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01 Feb 2007, 5:09 am

Pretty sure the connection between radiation and hypothyroidism is when they treat hyperthyroidism with irradiated iodine (or whatever it is) and end up doing a bit of overkill. That's the only time I remember it being mentioned anyway.


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01 Feb 2007, 8:22 am

This radiation thing has struck me as a possibility, although I always figured it was a paranoid one.

Autism emerges into a definable and serious condition in the fifties and seconds, less than a generation after the testing of nuclear weapons in Los Alamos and the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Could there be some relationshiop between atomic bomb testing and autism emerging?

Judging from these forums, there is a good deal of autism in the US and Australia. A lot of American troops were stationed in the Pacific during WW II, and Australia, of course, is not far from Japan.

My father was stationed in Saipan. I wonder how many aspies or others on the spectrum can trace heritage back to being stationed there and how that percentage would compare to the overall population.

Pure spectulation.


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01 Feb 2007, 12:07 pm

isnaut wrote:
So far I don't know much about Aurtism or Asperger's, but I *think* I remember when searching in other directions that there can be a connection between radiation and hypothyroidism. Sorry if it's irrelevant.


this is interesting, as it has recently been hypothesized that there is a link between autism and thyroid function. i read something about this the other week actually, but for some reason this synopsis is all i can find so far on google... ... t=Abstract

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01 Feb 2007, 4:00 pm

I've seen articles that stated mothers who live in areas with selenium rich soils are less likely to have autism children and vice versa. Selenium is good at fighting infections and it also supports proper thyroid function.

Another biggie few people know. Fluoride kills the thyroid. In the 1950s & 60's fluoride was commonly used to treat Graves disease a form of hyperthyroidism because it slows the thyroid activity. Now if you look at parts of the US that have fluoridated water, such as in the Southern town I grew up in, almost everyone is hypothyroid and fat. Course the greasy Southern food doesn't help, but you see women start getting heavy in their 30's which is also commonly when hypothyroidism takes its hold. I think nearly every single member of my family is taking thyroid replacement hormone, both males and females. Another thing being Southern we are heavy ice tea drinkers. Black Tea plants uptake a lot of flouride from the soil, adding lemon to tea also increases the fluoride content plus they make it with highly fluoridated water. And yes the soil is lower in selenium there.


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01 Feb 2007, 4:05 pm

Odd to think about. My father was in WWll, and had pictures he claimed to have taken in occupied Japan. He died of complications from stomach cancer. My brother died at age twelve of leukemia. My mother died of cancer at age 60. Could dear old dad have been contaminated ??

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