Of course.
I never stim around anyone, at least not beyond annoying but more acceptable finger drumming and clicking a pen. I've always had an innate understanding that it's something to hide. I don't let anyone see that. I find it very easy to avoid doing.
I've never talked to myself,
As I keep practicing I find it less hard to make eye contact and I don't really feel that bad about it now. Now the main thing for me is to remember to not go back to my natural inclination of looking down or away. That's one trait improving.
When I'm all alone I sometimes stim badly, but I often try to cool it or avoid it altogether as it's good practice. Better to try to unlearn it than forget myself at the worst possible time. Better to try to find more acceptable outlets.
Derpy wrote:
going into world of my own and staring into space
I do that quite a lot. That's a hard one to shake.