I am a fifteen year old girl and I believe that I have AS(D). My mother, however, disagrees. She thinks that the fact that I test in the EXTREMELY high IQ range is what causes all my problems. I have some pretty bad sensory issues, I don't read faces or body language intuitively or proficiently, and most of the other characteristics of AS apply to me (including stimming, clumsiness, and special interests). This post is not me looking for people who agree with me, but more opinions on where the distinction may lie between giftedness and autism, assuming the neurology of both groups differs from the norm.
So, do you think autism and giftedness can be co-morbid? Also, how can one tell the difference between one who is profoundly gifted and one who has Asperger's syndrome?
16 years old, I have synesthesia and Aspergers (probably) "I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high functioning sociopath. Do your research."- Sherlock (BBC)