Outside of my parents, brother and one of my sisters, I have trouble socializing with all of my other family members. I come from a very large family; I have two older sisters, one younger brother, 7 nieces and nephews, countless aunts, uncles and cousins, and 1 living grandparent (my Nana). Family get-togethers always happen at our house, always during the summer (though not every year, thankfully).
When it does happen, I try to find a place to sit amidst the chaos while smiling politely and trying to make conversation. I try to fight the urge to flee for as long as possible, but inevitably I always "burn out" and need to "recharge" in my own room, playing on my computer for a couple of hours before I quietly make my reappearance and attempt to socialize once more.
Thankfully, all of my family members understand my need to "recharge", and can even recognize signs that I am beginning to burn out. Then they'll will ask me if I need to go to my room. I am really lucky to have an understanding family.
As I have tried to explain to my dad before, it has nothing to do with loving or not loving my family members; I love all of them to varying degrees. For example, I am bad with children and have no idea how I am supposed to act around them or react to them, and all of my nieces and nephews are rather stand-offish towards me as a result. But I still love them more than life itself and would do anything for them, and I get a similar emotional high from talking about them as I do from talking about a special interest. I also have immense guilt for not being the very best aunt that I could be.