I've noticed that I have quite a hard time controlling the volume and tone of my voice. Normally I speak really quietly, since to my ears that sounds "normal", and I assume that that's how it sounds to other people. When they have trouble hearing me though, or I'm trying to get some point across and they're not listening, or I have earphones on that block out surrounding noise, then I tend to talk really LOUDLY, in an attempt to compensate. To this day, I still haven't found a decent volume to have my voice at for most situations, that doesn't seem too quiet nor too loud.
This is one of the many reasons why I prefer text-based communication to verbal communication. As long as I can read what the other person's saying, and they can read what I am saying, then it works just fine. Of course, I do tend to become annoyed by improper spelling and punctuation, and sometimes people type things in such a way that I can't even decipher what they are trying to say, but most of those people aren't even worth bothering with anyhow.