The big "job" scam
As I was spending all morning moving 1000+lb of sod on my own and placing and trimming some of it for this job that's been thrown at me I started daydreaming.. not long mind you.. maybe just 10 mins... about how i'm going to be working about 50 hours this week and only have a couple hours after work to take care of everything else (laundry, cleaning, answering emails and voicemails, opening and paying bills).. how much time does that actually leave us to do what WE want to do with OUR lives that god (or nature) gave to us with full control?
The thought came to my mind.. what sort of scam is this?
We spend our entire adult lives working every day doing things with our bodies, time, and minds that we DO NOT WANT TO DO just for the sake of having a little something to eat and a place to sleep at night... how has it come to this?
Nobody is happy here... we are just working because we are made to have no other choice.. it is illegal to sleep anywhere in the world unless you pay rent to be there, it is illegal to nap in public in most places... parks and forests have been planted with useless lumber and decorative trees and plants instead of useful fruit and vegetable producing ones so that people HAVE TO SPEND MONEY to eat... it feels like some sort of ugly racket...
slavery has supposedly ended... but now we are ALL slaves... sure we have a little bit of decision on how we spend our money.. but that's less than a quarter of what we make... everything else has been predetermined to go to food, rent, taxes, and utilities that we have absolutely no choice but to spend money on...
Just a couple hundred years ago people were paying their lords and kings to "rent" the land from them to grow food on.. land they claimed without sharing... the same thing is still going on today but with different titles
We have full control over our minds and bodies... why do we allow society to enslave us like
Does anyone else out there think society has really screwed itself over?
Does anyone else thing we could be doing a lot better than that if people were more logical (and perhaps more aspie) and less greedy and full of social casting nonsense?

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I've thought a lot about this too, and frankly, it's BS. I don't understand how people can work more than 40 hours a week. Heck, I don't even understand how someone can work 40 hours a week, and do other things with their lives. Our capitalistic, workaholic society is f****d. I'm just glad it's not as bad as it is over in parts of Asia, where people work even more hours for even less pay, and have less to come home to.
I'm hoping that I can land a career in the future where I don't have to do the 9-to-5 grind every weekday, where I can have some time to actually LIVE. I know a lot of people say this isn't right or possible, but whatever, I will MAKE it possible, even if only for myself.

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Only thing I can think it might be better than farm work. Meaning, the transition from a predominantly agricultural economy to a manufacturing economy may have been a net positive. But the transition from manufacturing to a 'service' economy, that's been a far dicier proposition!

People with jobs are also referred to as "wage slaves."
Only a wealthy person can have "freedom."
For the rest of us, it's a balance of working enough to enjoy a decent quality of life without sacrificing the time and energy we need for what matters to us outside of work.
As the job market worsens, this is getting harder and harder to do.
Many forget that "retirement" is a creature of the 20th century. Before then, most people worked until they died.
I heard a interview with the main Google guys a few months ago with glenn beck about their book.
They basically said that they future is going to be so automated that a basic income from the government will replace most jobs because they simply won't exist due to technology and efficiency.
Society will become a welfare state where the few kissing the asses of the rich will be the only ones getting ahead and the rest will just be allowed to exist.
So I guess you get what you want?
Jobs are all just transmutations of the original job, which was prostitution. We are all whore-slaves.
What makes it even worse is that a good 95% of jobs are there to resolve a problem that is created by other jobs & should never have existed in the first place.
The system has evolved to be self-serving.
Actually solving real problems does NOT create more jobs. Creating more problems DOES create more jobs, and so that's what jobs do now.
We have to get off of this planet.
Anachronism: an object misplaced in time.
"It's true we are immune, when fact is fiction and TV reality"
"It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards"

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My heart is gypsy, when I roamed this planet is when I was the most truly happy. money is nothing but a thing of slavery. and the more you own the more you have to work and pay to keep it. the only reason i stopped was because I wanted a family of my own, a wife and children. woman wants that security, not a rogue gypsy life. now I have that child, but it truly pains me that I can not be free as I once was. many people fuss and fight all their lives just to save up for that vacation time, when I had got to do it all for free and any time I wanted. you just have to give up worshiping that all mighty dollar.
Master Thread Killer
A baby's first word: da da/ mama
A baby's second word: no
A baby's third word: mine
Even in the most egalitarian of societies, people want to own things
Money itself is not the root of all evil, but rather the love of money. It's not perfect but it makes a handy and convenient way of thanking the people who bring the water to your tap or the latest and greatest game system to your nearest shop
Let's go on out and take a moped ride, and all your friends will thing your brain is fried, but you can't live your life too dirty, 'cause in the the end you're born to go 30
You're right, most people spend their whole life doing a job they don't like, and it leaves few hours to do the things they actually like. I am at home now, but I've done this too and I understand how you feel, it feels like you're losing hours of your life. It also seems very unfair to me that some jobs pay a whole lot more than others, why should the guy who picks up our garbage make less money than a doctor, why should an actor make more money than a plumber, etc. I understand that it is due to different factors (doctors have to pay for college and equipment, movie producers make a lot of money, etc), but still its not fair. To see an actor with a $500,000 ring on his finger and living in a castle, while another person is homeless and doesn't have anything to eat, just doesn't seem right to me (just my opinion).
Anyways ...
I have 2 cousins who are very lucky, both have a passion, and both are able to make a living doing what they like the most. One of them is an expert fisherman, he wins fishing contests (he has a "gift", most the time he catches the biggest fish and wins the contests, and sometimes it is quite a bit of money), he also takes clients fishing in the best spots, and has a tv show. The other lives in Indonesia, he is a travel guide, and takes people on excursions in different wild areas and countries, including in the Himalayas. 2 very lucky men.
That's the way things come clear. All of a sudden. And then you realize how obvious they've been all along. ~Madeleine L'Engle

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Try and get yourself a good education so that you can do what you want to do.
Maybe even try to change the world if you are passionate about it.
That's exactly what I'm planning on doing. I want to become educated enough that I can find a way out of this BS system, and live an enlightened life. Failing that, I at least want to land a job I actually enjoy doing, and make enough money that I can get away with relaxing.
I wish I could do that, but my way of being a gypsy would cost money, and I could not trust that anywhere I go I could find enough "work" to pay my way for the day.
I'm also aware that a time comes when traveling isn't as feasible as it once was (age/health issues), and if you can't afford to settle down, you're in a bad place.

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Yep; slaves in The Matrix.
That's a big part of why I'm working towards entrepreneurship again - this time around with a much better plan. Over the next few years I'm planning on transitioning out of working for the man and into working for myself, then I reap the rewards & can be free to just block out certain date ranges and not take on any work so I can enjoy life a little.

The "debt culture" in some countries tries to make "debt slaves" out of people. Credit card debt, student loans, mortgage debt ...
Credit drives up the prices of goods so those who don't wish to be "debt slaves" have to work and save even more.
After a failure, the easiest thing to do is to blame someone else.
If you were the only person on the planet, if you didn't get up and find food and water you would die. This is the natural world. There is an artificial (construct) world of society where you can sustain your life by adapting to its requirements.
Many people see money as a way to thrive in the artificial world. However, those who succeed in this often find that wealth brings more problems than when they started.
People have long considered the "problems" of society. They have suggested an implemented various "fixes" such as democracy, communism, and socialism. What is becoming apparent is the the real problem is people and selfishness. Whether a big corporation or a pushy coworker, there is enough selfishness to go around.
As a Christian I see the solution as the change in a person's heart as they follow Jesus. Unfortunately most of those who claim Christ are not following him but a sect or denomination. They are poor examples to a world that is fed up with all of the manifestations of individual and collective selfishness.
I wrote a response this morning to a woman who was concerned that modern life was so busy that people could not even socialize with each other. Since this bears on what the OP wrote, I thought I would include it here. I understand that not everyone shares this view. Please do not feel the need to tell me how stupid I am for having this view. I understand that this is a minority viewpoint. However, I thought it might be of interest to the OP or some others.
Satan runs this world (for now and insofar as he is allowed by God). Satan has been working for centuries to get us to enslave ourselves so that he (since he can't be everywhere at once) can leverage his influence. He has used many strategies (even using Christians).
One element in his plan is to ratchet up the tempo of life. This hectic pace of life seems unalterable. It also keeps people off-balance and makes them more vulnerable to the schemes he is advancing.
Many people reach adulthood and begin to look at their life and see that a husband and wife both trying to bring home enough money to be able to afford a nice house and send their kids to a good school doesn't seem to work when their kids are like distant roommates with their own friends and activities.
The idea of dropping one income, home schooling, and living less well off can seem like a risky proposition. However, it can help recover one's sanity and build a stronger family than the modern alternative.
As Satan tightens the societal noose around our necks, finding ways to still live for Jesus may require some creativity. We may have to give up the "broad way".
If I can be of any help, please feel free to PM me. If anyone is furious that I would have the temerity to even mention religion, please feel free to share your societal solutions.
But realize that most people around you will label what you're doing as insanity because it does not agree with their own identity driven thinking.