Are you clumsy? A klutz? A little uncoordinated?

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06 Dec 2014, 11:25 am

I know this is frequently associated with various forms of ASD. But not everyone on the Spectrum fits that. I understand that there are some people on the Spectrum who are quite athletic and very coordinated.

However, as long as I can remember I recall being accused of being clumsy, a klutz and a little uncoordinated. I wasn't just the proverbial last kid chosen for the baseball team. I WAS the last kid chosen for the baseball team. I recall always being blamed for knocking stuff over or spilling something. Of course, I always thought that a bit unfair. But, I couldn't help but think that since I had heard it all my life, everywhere I went - there must be at least a little bit of truth to it.

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06 Dec 2014, 11:52 am

I have always been clumsy and prone to injury. However, I played basketball and softball well, and have always been a good swimmer. I can learn specific skills. However, it is the more "free movement" stuff I have problems with. I bang into things, drop stuff (all the time), trip on stuff, stub my toes. I have given up using non-plastic dishes for everyday meals because the glasses and plates were always getting broken. I have some trouble with balance, too.

When I was a kid, my mom was always getting on me for "shuffling my feet." I think if my family had gone hiking when I was young, I would have learned quickly by necessity to lift my feet when I walk!


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06 Dec 2014, 11:58 am

Yep! I walk into door frames and tables all the time, I drop stuff frequently cause I can't tell when I hold too loose, sometimes I trip on stairs, and I have tried to sit in a chair and missed more than once!

Er ist der große Mauerbrecher, der eine stumme Arbeit hat.
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06 Dec 2014, 12:20 pm

I'm very clumsy.

Once I was introduced with "This is my cousin, [JitakuKeibiinB]. He trips a lot." I ran into a wall shortly afterwards.


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06 Dec 2014, 12:34 pm

I am uncoordinated. I cannot walk in a straight line. Sometimes, I struggle to distinguish left from right and right from left etc. Physically writing is difficult for me as it requires intense concentration to get the movements correct. Typing my notes in class is much easier for me so I always carry my tablet with me for lessons. My short term memory is not very good but my long term memory is very good.

Sometimes, I do not detect some of my surroundings and walk into them instead. I sometimes drop objects without meaning to and do not know how much force to apply to items in my hands and can unintentionally break them. I like to grip the handrail when walking up or down stairs because I have a tendency to fall up or down stairs. I also tend to misjudge distances.

I do not know how badly uncoordinated I am.

Tufted Titmouse
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06 Dec 2014, 1:44 pm

DarkAscent wrote:
I am uncoordinated. I cannot walk in a straight line. Sometimes, I struggle to distinguish left from right and right from left etc. Physically writing is difficult for me as it requires intense concentration to get the movements correct. Typing my notes in class is much easier for me so I always carry my tablet with me for lessons. My short term memory is not very good but my long term memory is very good.

Sometimes, I do not detect some of my surroundings and walk into them instead. I sometimes drop objects without meaning to and do not know how much force to apply to items in my hands and can unintentionally break them. I like to grip the handrail when walking up or down stairs because I have a tendency to fall up or down stairs. I also tend to misjudge distances.

I do not know how badly uncoordinated I am.

That is me too in a nutshell


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06 Dec 2014, 1:46 pm

Totally, yes!!
In my educational psychologists report for asd it recorded "lack of spatial-temporal awareness/recognition" & it means misjudging distances & poor co-ordination, the stuff that makes some of us trip, knock, bang into & spill stuff a lot of the time. Right & left, even confusion with a car handbrake over whether it locked "up" or "down" - took a tractor to pull me out of the one :) - has presented problems. I try to practice not rushing things, in order to combat clumsy-ishoooooooz :roll: :)

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06 Dec 2014, 3:49 pm

Clumsy, terrible hand-eye coordination, always picked last in sports in school, slowest runner ever, but I love to move and am thriving on physical activity in my retirement years. So keep on truckin'! !! !! No matter how clumsy.


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06 Dec 2014, 4:45 pm

I am incredibly clumsy. I drop things, run into walls and people and can't even count how many times I've broken toes by misjudging table and chair legs. I can fall over while standing still, and stairs are dangerous to me unless I have something to hold on to. Was terrible in sports at school.

Funny thing is my mother was the same way. It was a running joke in our family that every time my mom would go out to shop she would knock down shelves and displays. I think the best was an entire display of paint was amazing. She always looked so surprised and the rest of us would just keep walking. We loved to shop with her because it was always an adventure. :)


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06 Dec 2014, 7:15 pm

Short answer: yes. My parents were amazed I never broke anything considering how often I ran into door frames, fell, etc. I also have a terrible sense of direction, I get lost very easily. I can dance just fine tho.

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06 Dec 2014, 7:33 pm

Yes. In times of stress - big time. Usually just a little - just enough to annoy people :nerdy: . I´m very precise with my hands, though.
Eh, I´ve done 1953 messages-----the year of my birth! :P

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06 Dec 2014, 8:17 pm

I am clumsy and have always been so. I seem to find it remarkably easy to trip over, knock into, knock over and step on things. I think the classic for me was when I was walking along a foreign street with my family, at the age of around 13, and failed to see a stone bench that was about 3 foot high. I went flying over it. I seem unable to even walk through a door without knocking it. It gets very frustrating.

I am diagnosed as a human being.


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06 Dec 2014, 9:22 pm

I used to be clumsy as a kid. Dropping stuff, bumping into people, walking into things, I learned to walk looking at the ground than not at the ground. I used to accidentally kick people on the monkey bars when I was 9 because of too many kids and kids thought I was mean because of it. I still played soccer and did softball and I am not clumsy anymore because I had occupational therapy. I still get my moments but that's everyone.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.

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06 Dec 2014, 10:01 pm

My god, yes. Not all the time though, but when I am, holy crap is it bad. Just today, I went to go grab a beer out of the fridge and in the process, I somehow managed to knock the whole six pack out, breaking EVERY SINGLE BOTTLE.... no I wasn't drunk. :(

The struggle is real.

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06 Dec 2014, 10:23 pm

Yup, you bet. Like others, I was a total non-athlete, and I still crash into things all the time. I really don't know where my hands and feet are, it's a guess. However, my fine skills with my hands are good, for example, I repair clock movements.

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07 Dec 2014, 12:28 am

I tend to knock over cups/bowls. My table is a mess (comparatively) after I eat. My parents have gotten used to it by now. But I am good at making small craft (like complex origami) and playing certain sport.