LokiofSassgard wrote:
I'm so happy for you. :3 It's been a while, btw. How have you been aside from this? (I emailed you, but I'm not sure if you got it)
Hi Loki, thank you. It's been so crazy. Both of my parents were in the hospital during the Thanksgiving holiday and my dad almost died so I was away for awhile. I will have to check my emails. Dad is doing so much better now so I am much relieved. Mom still has a little issue though so we are praying that all will go well with her. Of course I can't give any details in the public forum but I know you guys will all send loving and healing thoughts and prayers for them.
But I have been very exhausted and I even had an huge meltdown skiing a couple of days ago when some kids started playing bass so loud on their car stereo in the parking lot that I could literally hear all the way up the mountain. My blood pressure and heart rate got so high that ski patrol had to emergency sled me down the mountain. It was pretty scary. I took the opportunity to write about it in my blog which has about 50,000 followers and used the opportunity to teach people about how sensory overload can affect Autistic people and even put them in life threatening situations and that people should think twice about how others might be affected when they want to play their car stereos as loudly as they do.
But as you guys figured, Skibum the Snowbunny will be spending much of her time in the winter on the slopes. This is hugely therapeutic for me so I might not be on my computer as often as I can be in the off season. There are only two seasons for skiers, the ski season and the off season.
Thank you for asking about me Loki. Thank you for being one of my buddies here.
"I'm bad and that's good. I'll never be good and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me."
Wreck It Ralph