I am so great at being me it is all I do. It is true I can barely get my great set of skills to produce anything.
I have no way of judging others, my IQ is high in a very limited range, and only fair in other places.
With zero musical talent I am unable to tell sound, from noise, from music.
Since I do not understand most people, or they me, and I will forget what they look like quickly,
I have no idea what I could judge myself against.
It is the fable of the tortise and the hare, they race, the tortise plods along, the hare bounds, stops to eat, visits other hares, then hurries to the finish to see the tortise crossing the line.
Persistance and consistancy often pay better than talent and intelligence. But they did reach the finish at almost the same time.
I would give those aspie wabbits credit for some high jumps, talents, but overall, they lack consistant performance.
I have looked at my other options, I do not have any.