I can't pose for photos, full stop. Especially not selfies. I look terrible!
I look OK in mirrors, and I hope my look in mirrors is more real than my look in photos. Whenever I try to take a selfie or get someone else to make my picture, no matter what facial expression I make, I look awful. If I smile, my teeth dominate my whole face, like your attention gets drawn to the teeth, having a negative effect on the rest of my face. If I just smile slightly and try to relax all my face muscles so that I look more natural, my chin look big (even though my chin is just average size), and I don't feel happy with it at all. And if I pull a more goofy face, my face looks incredibly big and long and unnatural. Ugh! I sure hope I don't look like that all the time. But when people argue that the camera does not lie, then that is frightening.