green0star wrote:
mikewhateverm wrote:
Every person on the front page of this site is a white man. This is racist!
Unfortunately for us black people we don't get diagnosed in the same way that white folks do. Because of that this lady started up a program called color of autism. Their claim is to get the word out about blacks and other POC people on the spectrum who many still remained diagnosed. grins and giggles...
Three ASD boys in my daughter's grade level are black. Another two are from Korea and one from Dubai.
Autism is a diagnosis if your family has means and is educated enough to do battle with the system. If you are poor and uneducated, your kid is f****d unless he/she is so low TPTB have to do something.
Those five boys families parents are all upper middle management, and work for the a multinational company.
So no, race per say is not a block to getting an autism diagnosis. It's money and resources. A poor parent from Flint will not get access to services, or even know where to get them, and how to battle the school, doctors etc to do right by her/his child. The five families above got immediate help from their peers, and people going to bat for them at the start. But all those people have multiple university degrees or advance degrees. When you know people with pull, things get done.
My big b***h with A$ is how they sell autism as an upper middle class, white male issue. I have seen the token screaming white girl toddler thrown into the mix. I guess that is trying. A lot of their videos are majority white little boys, and families who have some money.
All the awareness in the world won't help if the parent can't afford help, or know how to get it at a reduced cost. All the big deal children autism specialists, in my area, are NO INSURANCE only. You pay up front. The ABA folks there are the same deal. I couldn't afford to pay that for my kid, and I'm not ghetto poor. You can submit claims and battle your insurance for money back, but it's still cash up from.
Side note: I call the three boys black, because they are from different South American countries, and do not consider themselves African American at all. My daughter's school had to overhaul the belief that all black looking kids are not African American, and don't appreciate being lumped in with them. That was a fun school year...
The web site the PP listed is great. I'm gonna donate a little bit to them when I get my check.