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27 May 2016, 2:57 am

Some nonverbal autistic people show strength in typing and weakness in speech.

I'm bad at both.

Aside from poor sentence structure, run on sentences, stammering, forgetting the point to what I was saying, speaking BACKWARDS I also cannot write very well.

To make a full post it can take up to an hour, mostly because I will get distracted and stare off into space, forget what I'm talking about, have to stop serval times to put a sentence together I actually hate writing, it's as difficult as talking (but I don't hate talking, I hate when people make fun of when I mess up talking)

Anyone else relate?

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27 May 2016, 4:32 am

ZombieBrideXD wrote:
To make a full post it can take up to an hour, mostly because I will get distracted and stare off into space, forget what I'm talking about, have to stop serval times to put a sentence together
I relate to the above. I easily get distracted, I procrastinate, I need time to formulate the sentences and will rewrite a lot of it over and over, change some words, overthink the content, read it over, reread, think, rethink, rewrite etc.
Any post of a certain length will easily have taken me hours to write, and not seldom several hours over some days. And no matter how much I try to get it all in one post, I often find that I will have omitted something because I forgot it.
Written communication is much easier for me than speaking, but it's still communication... Although it is how I communicate best with most people, it is an effort.

It's really stressful when someone is quick to reply to a personal message because then I feel pressure to be quick. One example: some years ago a guy sent me a PM on another forum. I spent hours writing my reply and it wasn't even that long. I sent it and finally felt free to browse the forum. I had read the new replies to exactly one thread before I got a reply from him. It just made me feel so resigned and stressed.
In personal messages, chat threads and letters, I also have the problem that I very often can't think of a single thing to say at all.

I'm not the best typist either. I keep hitting the wrong keys or in the wrong order, or hitting two keys at once.

That's not to say that writing is particularly hard for me. I am usually slow at executing most tasks I do.

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27 May 2016, 4:57 am

Not long at all.

However, I often spend more time typing when I know little about the subject. This is because I work things out while I type, so when I learn new information that contradicts previously typed information I need to go back and edit that.

In other words, the more I know, the faster I type.


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27 May 2016, 5:40 am

I'm a fast typist, fast thinker. Probably to the point of ADHD.

Many times, I do need to edit my posts, because I made some mistake--whether grammatical, sematic, or typographical.

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27 May 2016, 5:51 am

I way prefer typing to speaking. It does mean i can take my time over it and I don't have to give it my full attention.

For example those two sentences above were actually typed in two separate sessions. I did a little work between them. And now I see that I have a new move to make on an online Go server, so I will go and play that move before continuing this post.

I do find quite often that I will edit stuff so much and get so distracted, that probably about 75% of what I write just gets deleted any way. I don't think that is a bad thing. If it was important, I would have probably pursued it. I will just never be one of these people that has a >1000 post count on any forum.

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27 May 2016, 8:40 am

Can't relate to all of it unfortunately. I started trying to type when I was seven, and then fell into the love of writing at eight and was novelling at 35wpm. I'm horrible as far as speech goes. I have a stutter and can't form words very coherently about 50% of the time. But MS Word was my best friend for years, especially when I wanted to say something but couldn't speak it during meltdowns. I was the fastest typist in high school, and passed my typing test for my current job with flying colors. I'm at about 85wpm.

However, my responses take forever. Because I do get distracted. A LOT. I'll be in the middle of typing a response to someone and then become so taken over by three different things I want to do that I'll forget to finish my reply. And once I lose my focus, I forget what I was writing about or I no longer have the motivation to finish it. I hate being interrupted because it throws me off and makes it extremely difficult to get back into it.



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27 May 2016, 9:03 am

I'd say quite a fast typer, quite a fast thinker.

Considering just how long most of my posts tend to be compared to how much time I actually spend on them, I'd say definitely fast.

Within just 5 minutes i can post quite a long and detailed post.

My grammar and writing is certainly not perfect, yet still decent enough all the same and still contains my signature eloquent and formal language that I typically use.

The only thing stopping me from posting quicker is CAPTCHA. :evil:

Has anyone else noticed it's called 'Captcha' which sounds like 'capture' and it tends to capture both our time and posts?

By the way, this took me about 2 1/2 minutes to type.

Compared to speaking I'd say I'm alright at that too but definitely far better at typing.


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27 May 2016, 10:10 am

I type fast. I prefer writing to talking because I can easily edit out my errors when typing and make it so that what I'm saying gets through to the person I'm writing to. I relate to having trouble with talking. When I talk there is always a disconnect where I'm not sure what I've said or what has actually been communicated. It all makles sense ot me but often people are confused or misunderstand what I've said. Because I know this happens I don't like talking unless it's about something I know about.

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27 May 2016, 10:16 am

I type pretty fast when I know what I want to say. I never learned to type or anything, I just taught myself and don't have to look at the keys. 60 wpm probably, that's what I was getting on type racer but I think I have more of a problem copying something than just typing my thoughts. You have bursts where you go faster and times when it's slower.


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27 May 2016, 10:30 am

My usual typing is probably in the 40-50 wpm range, but I can go faster if I have to. I learned to actually type starting in high school. Before that, it was mostly chicken pecking at the keyboard. I remember starting college and having to type term papers on an actual electronic typewriter that I had. It would occasionally break down, mess up the page and I would have to start over. In a rather short period of time, it transitioned to computers, as universities starting having more computer labs available for students to work on. That was right before the internet went big, so it was limited on what you could do with your typing: either papers or a form of school email.


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27 May 2016, 10:54 am

My dyspraxia (poor eye-hand coordination) is so bad that I can't type more than 30wpm or so, and then with great difficulty. I generally type with my index fingers, it's the most comfortable for me.


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27 May 2016, 1:33 pm

I am not as bad as many people on here but my poor motor coordination makes it so that I can't type very fast and I do still have to look at my fingers when I type because my proprioception isn't the best.

As far as coming up with what to say, I often take way too long. Between taking small breaks and sucking at coming up with what to say it often takes a while. I can easily take up to an hour to compose and post something, although that only happens about a third of the time.

This post actually wasn't as bad as most, it only took about 10 minutes.

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27 May 2016, 10:20 pm

I can type blazingly fast. I learned to type on manual typewriters in the seventh grade and when I discovered keyboards my speed doubled. It's usually so fast that when I'm in my cubicle typing out a tutorial on something, or a proposal to change something, a few people will often stop and stare. I often skip forming words in my head and just "say" them via my fingers, reading as I go along.

Then when I'm done, as I get up I trip on my own chair leg, bump into my cubicle wall, drop my pencil, spill coffee on my shoes and get dizzy as I'm walking away. And if someone interrupts me with a question, my responses reflect the scrambled idea salad in my brain as I try to sort out the old and new thought processes and blurt out words that have little to do with either. :roll: :? :roll:

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27 May 2016, 10:32 pm

I can type astonishingly quickly.
It's my thinking that's ret*d.

It's like I'm sleepwalking


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27 May 2016, 10:34 pm

I'm rather slow at typing. I can only type an average of twenty words a minute. I hated keyboarding in school. I'm also a slow thinker as well. Sid :O)

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28 May 2016, 12:15 am

It tends to vary, once I figure out what I want to type not very long at all...I can type pretty fast. However sometimes it can take me quite a while to figure out exactly what I want to type or I will start typing something and forget parts of it or words I wanted to use and sit there trying to remember before I continue.

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