AspE wrote:
somanyspoons wrote:
I woudn't call the idea behind mindfullness to be a fad. The NAME is a fad. But the idea is crazy old. The mindfullness name is just applied to a modern form that is tailored to modern, western tastes.
My experience is really good. In fact, I would say this kind of stuff has really saved my life. You have to be careful about the crazies at the fringe of the movement, but that's pretty much true for everything.
As long as you know the term is a bait and switch. Meditation on the mind is a trick. Using the mind to find the mind is a futile effort, and deliberately so. But maybe I shouldn't say anything. People have to realize this on their own.
Yes! Exactly. It is a trick. There is no mind to meditate on. But that's advanced stuff. Most people just want to practice chilling a little with the hopes they will have fewer panic attacks, or a better way to zone out when sensory overwhelm gets too harsh.
Medication has been a part of many religions for all of recorded history. (Including Christianity - look for the phrase "contemplative prayer.") There are some groups that use meditation as a hook that they use on new people until they draw you in. Then they start doing the crazy controlling stuff. That's really bad and it's good to be aware of this. But most meditation teachers are good hearted and not looking to get you to donate all of your worldly possessions to them and go work on their farm for free. The phrase mindfullness is particularly good right now for indicating that its a secular meditation scheme.