Schadenfreude wrote: wrote:
Erratic patterns of sleeping, eating, drinking
-Resistance to sedatives.
-Can lead to problems with diet or alcohol.
-Particularly bad at stressful times, such as exams
Link to the source at've not seen "resistance to sedatives" mentioned in relation to AS before, and they don't really clarify what they mean by the term. I just wondered is this is something people here have experience of/with.
or maybe whether this has implications with medications taken for comorbid (really hate THAT word) disorders. I've always refused any other meds I've been offered. The only sedatives I've had much experience with are alcohol and sleeping pills. sleeping pills just gave me hallucinations, and I guess it does take a lot to get me drunk, but I attributed that to my body size.
I don't know if that's their point, but I'd like to hear your opinions or your take on this.
or if anyone knows of their source for this info, maybe a heads-up in the general direction.
I'm self-diagnosed, so you take this how you want.
When I was about ten my GP gave me an EEG (for my migraines among other things going on with me) and they gave you Valium back then before they did it so you would be relaxed. He gave me 3X the adult level in the end and I still was not relaxed. When I had Lasik done, the same thing happened. I am highly resistant to tranquilizers, sedatives and pain medication (all of which are supposed to have a drowsy effect). I can also put away the alcohol without feeling drunk (I'm talking 10 Black Russians in a few hours which is nothing but Vodka and Kahlua).
I think the sleep is related to insomnia which I have from time to time. My mother told me I rarely slept even when I was a baby. I'm not sure about the food. I don't have a sense of hunger and have to be reminded to eat. I also don't have much of a sense of taste, except for things that seem so strong that I can't stand to eat food with those things in them. I think those are all messed up sensory signals myself. At least that is what makes sense to me.
I would think these are co-morbids. Did it say they were?
People say I'm crazy
doing what I'm doing,
Well they give me all kinds of warnings
to save me from ruin