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08 Jun 2005, 11:31 am

I would like to know what kind of exceptional ablities you folks have, no matter how weird or insignificant they may be. . .

I got the idea after reading how Jetson could do the cool calender trick.

My alblitys (exceptional)

Reading comprehension;

When I was in 8th grade I tested behind the "college graduate level".
In 3rd grade I tested at the 7th grade level, which was unsual b/c folks with hearing losses like mine are not supposed to exceed a 4th grade level in their lifetimes. . .


I took the class, and taught myself the entire contents of the class in 3 weeks. I then proceeded to more advanced stuff, like rendering/animation.

More questionable skills (in my veiw)


My english teachers love my writing, but I hate most of it b/c of grammer errors, etc.

Artistic Skills

This is purely subjective so I am reluctant to say that I am indeed "savantic" in this department. I do, however, have a large pile of art awards from HS, and I did get a $28,000 scholarship to CCAD.

All your bass are belong to us.


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08 Jun 2005, 2:01 pm

I would say that my savantic abilities are in the field of memory and mathematics, as well as understanding things related to astronomy.

Nicolas (spark).


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08 Jun 2005, 2:34 pm

Since I was a teenager, I have had a
sense in detecting and experiencing
haunted places or energies, yet be
indirect to them(as a viewer). This
is one of the reasons I got into
Parapsychology. To better grasp
the I-Physical relationship to this
6th sense, so it can have a balance
of spirit, intuition, and I-physical.



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08 Jun 2005, 2:37 pm

I have a great memory of remembering events that happened in my life. Also of school subjects, my memory was very good. Also I have great knowledge in mathematics.


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08 Jun 2005, 3:34 pm

I have had a
sense in detecting and experiencing
haunted places or energies,

Me too, Ghosthunter!

I can sense when something is "off" in a place, and have seen a couple of ghosts back on campus in RI. When I was younger, I saw shadows in our own house, which I now believe to be energies rather than actual spirits walking about. This is something that runs in our family, I believe, as my Great Grandmother was a healer, my aunt has had an out of body experience, and my cousin has seen a number more ghosts than I have.


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08 Jun 2005, 4:36 pm

About the ghost-sensing thing...

I used to think I could do that. Sometimes I'd get "freaked out" for no reason. I could be sitting in my room playing my bass guitar then suddenly I would feel uneasy.

I would only get like this in my parent's house. Here in my apartment or in anyone else's house I would be fine.



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08 Jun 2005, 5:35 pm

Ghosthunter wrote:
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Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 5:34 am    
Post subject: Hmmm?
Since I was a teenager, I have had a
sense in detecting and experiencing
haunted places or energies, yet be
indirect to them(as a viewer). This
is one of the reasons I got into
Parapsychology. To better grasp
the I-Physical relationship to this
6th sense, so it can have a balance
of spirit, intuition, and I-physical.


Civet wrote:
Hawk (Site Admin)
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Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:34 am    
Post subject:
I have had a
sense in detecting and experiencing
haunted places or energies,

Me too, Ghosthunter!

I can sense when something is "off" in a
place, and have seen a couple of ghosts
back on campus in RI. When I was younger,
I saw shadows in our own house, which I
now believe to be energies rather than actual
spirits walking about. This is something that
runs in our family, I believe, as my Great
Grandmother was a healer, my aunt has
had an out of body experience, and my
cousin has seen a number more ghosts than
I have.

lowfreq50 wrote:
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 7:36 am    
Post subject:
About the ghost-sensing thing...

I used to think I could do that. Sometimes
I'd get "freaked out" for no reason. I could
be sitting in my room playing my bass guitar
then suddenly I would feel uneasy.

I would only get like this in my parent's house.
Here in my apartment or in anyone else's
house I would be fine.


What I find interesting is with Autism the
senses and feeling around you are much
less muddled. We have the tendency to
experience without asking those around
us as a overcompensation for the lack of
social and eyecontact 8O 8O normalities
that most NT's don't get past.

I for example have in my G.E.D review
did a "Captain McClueless and The Ghosthunter"
cartooning study on older to newer theories
and their retakes that newer investigators
copied from the older investigators, minus
the spiritualism take.

I use this 6th sense I-Physically by reading
into sincereity and non-sincereity writings
and meaning, be they in a book, and
on this web site. I often call it intuition
and it has been like having a guardian
guiding you instinctively.

Boooooo! Ghosthunter 8O 8O


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08 Jun 2005, 6:28 pm

I'm a mimic. I can do both speech and singing mimicry. I think there's a couple of other mimics on site too.


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08 Jun 2005, 6:37 pm

I can mimic too! I mimic my little brother all the time. I also tend to feel uneasy at times for no reason. Hmm...what else can I do?

I can write a fairly good poem when I'm depressed. Umm... nothing I can really think of right now.



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08 Jun 2005, 7:51 pm

People tell me that I'm a good artist.

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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08 Jun 2005, 9:37 pm

I'm very good at remembering data, especially statistical things and numbers. And I've been fascinated with computers since I was 2.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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08 Jun 2005, 10:09 pm

I can learn languages very quickly. I always had a great long-term memory; unfortunately, I can never remember where I put keys and such.

-Ignorantia delenda est.


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08 Jun 2005, 10:20 pm

I'm good with philosophy and role-playing games...

That's about it...


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08 Jun 2005, 11:02 pm

Musical: I can hear a piece of music and play it back on the piano...I taught myself how to play piano. I have perfect pitch, which gets me into trouble, especially when watching American Idol. I don't know why people think those competitors are good singers (except Kelly Clarkson, she has great pitch control)...end of Sidebar :-)

Languages: I pick up languages easily and the accents come easily too.

Preminotory: I once had a dream where a man was hanging from a maple tree. I was seeing him hanging, and although I still knew I existed, I felt jubilation, b/c this man had molested my daughter (at the time, I did not have a daughter, nor any children). I felt like the guy who hung the other man, was showing this to me, to let me share in the moment. It was so incredibly intense, that I felt sick when I woke up. I told my boyfriend about it as soon as we woke up. Later that day, we were driving down the freeway when a news bulletin came on the radio. They announced that the police had discovered a convicted child molester, hanging from a tree, in my city and that they had no suspects. My boyfriend flipped out and got really pale. I will never forget that as long as I live. I have had other premonitions, and other esp type stuff.

Making connections out of random things: I have always been able to do this and it freaks people out. I don't know how other people live without being able to do that.

Photographic memory: I really like this aspect.

Really, though there are so many things that I cannot do well, that I am not like this super-human or anything. Sports, dancing and drawing are huge no-nos for me.



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08 Jun 2005, 11:31 pm

I have a compass in my head. I always know where north is, without thinking, and as a result I perceive everything around me as being oriented relative to geographical directions. Strangely enough, with such good directional skills I mix up left and right all the time!


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09 Jun 2005, 12:11 am

Tallgirl, your mention of premonition reminded me how that sometimes happens to me. It's never as extreme as the experience you mentioned, but occasionally I'll hear someone say something or get a really clear vision of something in a dream, then later that day I'll experience it exactly as I'd felt earlier. I've never told anyone else about it though, so I guess I don't have much credibility.