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things that bug us POLL
nothing really bugs me :) 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
everything bugs me! :x 29%  29%  [ 13 ]
there's a few things I could live without :shrug: 53%  53%  [ 24 ]
ice cream could NEVER bug me! :chef: 18%  18%  [ 8 ]
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25 Oct 2017, 9:49 pm

what things bug you? [at least enough to write about on these pages]
with me, it is things big and little, the big ones overwhelm but the little things niggle-

*nasty insects buzzing around my head inside my place
*loud irritating noises
*the taste/texture of olives and raw tomatoes
*bitter things
*rap music
*mean people
many more.


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25 Oct 2017, 9:52 pm

I don't like being misinterpreted.


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25 Oct 2017, 9:56 pm

mee too. and I am bugged when I find that I have misunderstood somebody as well, such a waste of time. :o


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25 Oct 2017, 10:08 pm

* When people talk/cough/sneeze loudly
* Incessant, constant noise (like machinery running)
* Dry hands + textured surfaces
* When people suddenly poke/playfully hit me or pretend like they're going to (I don't care so much if I know it's about to happen)
* When people think their perfume serving size = 1 bottle.

TL;DR - I'm no fun. :shrug:


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25 Oct 2017, 10:10 pm

Tons of things bug me:

- People making negative judgments of others without evidence.
- Music/book/movie/whatever snobs.
- People who complain about others' spelling and grammar.
- People who judge others' quirks.
- People saying that "it doesn't feel like (whatever season)".
- People using the word "nobody" too loosely.
- People assuming that young people know nothing about older technology.
- People walking toward me.
- People walking in front of me.
- People walking behind me.
- Seeing people's underwear or belly buttons.
- Commercials or talking on the radio.
- People being too close to me, sometimes even in the same room as me.
- Talking on the phone.
- Listening to others talk on the phone.
- When people ask other people to repeat what they say, especially if they say, "What?"
- Repetition in general.
- My mom singing snippets of songs from my brother's DVDs.
- My parents not comforting my brother when he's upset.
- My brother randomly yelling.
- My parents not talking enthusiastically enough to my brother.

That was a long list, but I'm sure there's more...


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25 Oct 2017, 10:12 pm

cold sores.
political ads.
visual judder.
"the $#!+ that won't quit."
flat tires.


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25 Oct 2017, 10:19 pm

The big telcos - appalling service, hopeless helplines, tons of mistakes in their bills, long waiting times when you call them, idiotic responses most of the time, and overcharging again and again and again, their mistakes always in their own favour (strange that).

Hackers, identity thieves, spammers, malware spreaders, trolls, and other internet psychopaths and sociopaths.

Stalkers, paedophiles, sexual predators of all kinds.



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25 Oct 2017, 10:55 pm

My mother acting as if I can always tell her when a situation we're in is going to trigger one of my outbursts.

The "Love" and Dating forum on WP.


Screaming kids and infants


Youtube videos that beg you to rate, comment and subscribe. Especially when you've already subscribed to their channels.

People who post "first" in the Youtube comments

People who assume that you're exactly like someone else they know who is also on the spectrum, and are bewildered when you aren't.

People who assume we're all like Rain Man.

People who think you can't be intelligent unless you got good grades and did well at school.

People who troll or say nasty and hurtful things to you, and when you tell them they say "it's only a joke" and accuse you of being oversensitive.

People who keep dangerous, vicious dogs as pets, don't keep them properly tied or fenced in, and when they brutally attack an innocent person, it's all that person's fault and the owner says "My sweet wittle baby would never hurt anyone".

Diet/health food Nazis who act as if ordering a cheeseburger is the equivalent of murdering baby bunny rabbits for a living.

Tobacco smokers, especially when they whine about their "rights".

People who think the only way to enjoy anything is to get stinking putrid hammered.

The whole freaking world since the US election in 2016.

Bible-thumping Christian fundies who think everyone is going to hell except them because they're sooo perfect and pure.

People who think you should fake being happy even when you're feeling like utter garbage.

People who think I can just switch my negative thoughts and feelings off like a tap and ignore all the horrors in the world.

Fake news.

Real news.

Anything that starts with the phrase "studies suggest"

Reality TV

Trends that are stupid and dangerous like swallowing cinnamon without water or eating ancient food.



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26 Oct 2017, 12:29 am

people who expect me to wholeheartedly support The Dotard.


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26 Oct 2017, 1:12 am

Strangers staring at me
The bus being late due to too many cars on the road
People coughing loud
Being criticised
Being ssshhh'd
My phone battery dying so quickly
Waking up during early hours of the morning
Dogs throwing themselves at their gate and barking loudly when you walk by
Loud motorcycles
When car drivers honk their car horn for no reason
Screaming and whining toddlers
Aspies who think 99% of the population are neurotypical
People who slam doors
Crowds of people
Rush hour
When your neighbour is hammering nails all day
Tory government
Slow-walkers (unless they're old)
People who love autumn
Getting up early for work
People trivialising my anxieties
Having a cold
People saying Christmas is for children
People who waste food
Modern celebrities
Political correctness
Farts that sound like ducks quacking
Delicious food being too fattening
Having a full bladder when the bathroom is already occupied
American sitcoms
Kim Jong Un



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26 Oct 2017, 2:01 am

^^^^"farts that sound like ducks quacking" :lmao:


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26 Oct 2017, 2:06 am



*Noisy people
* loud clomping boots.
*Humidity in summer.
*People saying good morning all day long until lunch time.
*Being stared at.
*Video game glitches.
*Spiderweb runners in my face.
*An activity being interrupted.
*When my bad leg acts up.
*When my anxiety acts up.


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26 Oct 2017, 2:21 am

brassholes in general :| [unless they belong to me]


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26 Oct 2017, 6:19 am

auntblabby wrote:
^^^^"farts that sound like ducks quacking" :lmao:

:lol: Yeah, some people's farts literally sound like a ducking quacking.

I've got a few more things that bug me:-

When people don't have their money ready when paying the busfare
Kids stomping their feet hard when they run
When people criticise Alzheimer's patients for their behaviour
When ill-treated children or animals go unnoticed, even though it looks obvious
When people make a deafening shouty sound when they yawn
School holidays


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26 Oct 2017, 6:49 am

Almost nothing in my case.

Almost nothing except chronic sinusitis. :x

Autism can be worked around. Sensory issues can be figured. Anxiety and depression can be conquered. Annoying people can be blacklisted or ignored. Social and emotional needs aren't a biological necessity. Injuries can heal. Handicaps can be worked around. Isolation can be appreciated. Burnouts, unhappiness, and exhaustion can pass. Pain can be ignored and pass. Money and items are replaceable. People just come and go. Achievements are not everything, and success is relative. Death is expected and evitable.

But sinusitis? I can't ignore it. I can't work around it. I can't hide it. I can't 'skip' it. It doesn't have a cure, and meds I could only afford can only cover up the allergic parts but not the idiopathic parts. It ruined my perception of sleep and almost cannot sleep and wake well. It disrupts my focus on daily basis. It caused me the majority of my meltdowns. It also caused me amounts of bullying. It'll probably disqualified me to many things. Other people won't ignore it or even tolerate it. On top of that, people can accuse you of being unsanitary, rude, or contagious no matter how you represent yourself. Last but not the least, no one will ever take it seriously -- because it's just sneezing.

So yes. :lol: I place that one insignificant issue over everything else. :skull:

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26 Oct 2017, 7:27 am

The ancient Romans

Steve J

Unkind tongue, right ill hast thou me rendered
For such desert to do me wreak and shame