I suppose I know the feeling... maybe. I don't like it when the attention of many people are on me (minus the times I'm keeping a lecture on a subject I know and the people who are present are there because they are interested in the subject I have chosen. Even then I tend to get a bit of a stage fever though), but I don't like being completely invisible, either. For example if I bother to take the time out of my day to visit a relative (a meeting we've agreed on beforehand, not just me showing up behind their door), I'd like them to pay me a bit more attention during my visit than saying "Welcome! How are you?" and "It was nice to see you again." Those are the basics I tend to hear if I go somewhere with my family or if there are other guests, too. It doesn't really work when I try to get in to other people's conversations, either. Even worse than that is when people come over to my place and just do stuff with their phone/only talk to each other... why did they come here if they didn't want to talk with me? For a free snack?