Two things.
Firstly. Not all the mods are bad. Some are very nice and helpful, and do their job well here. I've had interactions with plenty of nice ones. It's a very mixed bag, as there have been some bad ones (I think this site needs to be WAY more careful about who they appoint to such a position, and I say this as someone with moderator experience in various other forums) so to say that all of them are bad is just incorrect. It's never a good idea to put an all-encompassing label on anyone.
Part two: The NT-bashing stuff? Again, as someone with experience with moderation, that too would actually be considered unacceptable in many places. The bashing of any group, simply for them BEING in a particular group, is usually NOT a good thing (and is almost always stated as AGAINST THE RULES of *most* forums... regardless of the nature of the forum). Particularly when the group itself doesnt inherantly have something wrong about them (as in, they arent like, a group of actual criminals or something). In this case, it's people who just happen to be NT. There is nothing wrong with being NT. It's true, we've all had our run-ins with some bad ones, but... lemme put it this way: There are plenty of people on the spectrum who can be just as bad. Things like this are NOT specific to only one group, with others being immune to it. It absolutely does not work that way. There is no "just cause" to hate NTs as a group. That's not even negotiable. Would you like it if someone hated US as a group, simply because they met a couple of bad eggs that just happened to be on the spectrum? No, you probably wouldnt. You'd probably think it's unfair. Which it would be. But it works BOTH WAYS. Not just in the way that's convenient for you.
This sounds more like someone taking out their frustration on targets that do not deserve it, and THAT is NEVER a good thing to do. It is a BAD thing to do. Simply because you've had some bad experiences does not mean that EVERYONE in the group associated with them is bad.
If you've had frustrating experiences with NTs? It's fine if you want to talk about those experiences, and get help from people here. It's fine if you need to vent a bit. But just hating on ALL of them because you personally have gone through some nasty crap is outright wrong, and I think that deep down, you absolutely know it. There are constructive ways to vent and talk about these things, and there are outright hateful ways to do it. This stuff? It's that second one.
That's like someone complaining that "the KKK doesn't let me hate Blacks enough!", or "the Black Muslims suck because they don't let me hate wh***y enough!".
In some ways this is a bit of an extreme example, but yes, it's exactly this sort of mentality. The sort of thinking the OP is stating? It's what leads to crap like that. The REALLY bad stuff.
You need to examine your own behavior here, OP. Dont fall into that trap, dont be that person who ends up prejudiced against others. Just dont. There's enough of that crap in the world as it is. We dont need more.