Hard to tell these days, as I get a lot of decompression time and I rarely get into the kind of social situations I find difficult for very long. Retirement is like that. I've not often felt the pressure to get away from people I see as reasonably safe and having similar ways and core values to me, so the random mix of people where I used to work, for example, were somewhat draining and I always went home at lunchtime, even pre-diagnosis, in spite of some management pressure not to, and I was pretty firm about the working day ending on time. I don't like being anywhere where I think I'm being judged, and there's a lot of it about if I get into the wrong circles. In the right circles the worst feeling I've ever had is a bit of frustration that my social life is getting in the way of my getting other things done. I seem able to go for months without being away from my partner at all. We probably experience more social fatigue when socialising with others as a couple, because it's a more complicated social situation, but a couple seeking privacy is pretty normal. One-on-one is a lot easier than anything else, in many ways.
So I don't get unsociable days as such, the timing is different and the unsociability depends a lot on who the company is.