dyadiccounterpoint wrote:
Politics is a major one for me, although politics can entail a wide variety of other fields. Politics is genetics, neurochemistry, mass and individual behavioral psychology, economics, marketing, and communications.
So I will tend to become proficient in the facets of those extra fields which are relevant to my view of politics and then I won't bother learning the rest. I have catalogues of formal, academic citations that I can weaponize against a debate opponent.
I also love music theory and have spent a large amount of time studying the crafts of performance and composition. I've gone from studying classical and jazz to analyzing contemporary pop trying to divine the qualities necessary to be profitable.
I have also developed quite a fascination with ASD. When I first researched it, I couldn't stop thinking about it for 2 weeks. I mean that literally. I woke up thinking about it. I would think about it while doing other things. It was like a tab open in my brain and I couldn't let it go. I've toned down the obsession since then, although I still think about it and do research frequently.
Same on politics, though my main interest therein is foreign affairs and leftist (mainly Marxist) politics. I have a Masters in it and wanna go on to a PhD, but in a different field.
Visual arts definitely, European and various types of Asian art. Certain types of EDM (electronic dance music), though I'd like to get more into Jazz and Latin American music.
I used to be a Joss Whedon-holic, i.e. Buffy, Angel, Firefly/Serenity, Dollhouse, Dr. Horrible, Much Ado About Nothing, though I've never seen his superhero stuff. I used to be into Dr. Who (classic and the reboot series) and Deep Space 9 (showing my age). I need a new show.
And I dunno if ASD is an SI for me, but I've definitely been spending a fair amount time on it since I started CBT therapy a couple months ago and became more active on this website.