I did, briefly. However, I never attempted anything. It was an intrusive thought that followed me around. Something that I felt a little guilty about because I was aware of all the good in my life and I felt almost selfish for feeling that way. I think that the gnawing thought that the people in my life deserved better than me and the what ifs plagued my mind the most. Predominately, what if they are right? (They're not) What if I really don't make anything of myself? (Gotta at least try) Is messing up just what I do? (No) What if they (the bullies) were right about the fact that I shouldn't be listened to? (They weren't).
These were concerns I kept mostly private since I didn't want to be considered a bother, except for internet forums and in poems I wrote. Creative writing allowed me a space to let out my pent up emotions. I remember one line from an old poem of mine; You look down on me with such distaste, am I really such a waste?
Which is a good indication of the thoughts I was wrestling with at the time. I experienced childhood depression and frequent hopelessness throughout my teenage years and I didn't have a firm sense of identity outside of that. Which made me worry about being bland or never achieving anything and I didn't fully realise just how deep in the depression I was until I started to come out of it. For quite a long time I just thought that's simply how I was.
I didn't like who I was and I was under the impression that I never would, that the internal life / the fantasy I was living would always stay separate from my external. Then I moved to a better place, I unlearned a lot of the toxic lessons I was taught, and started taking steps to become that inner self. However, this wasn't exactly an overnight change and I'm still learning.
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25. Near the spectrum but not on it.
Last edited by Lost_dragon on 30 Jul 2020, 8:29 am, edited 1 time in total.