GoatMan wrote:
Another fun idea to consider is that the FBI and similar professional agencies in up to 52 countries use a system called SNAP (Strategic, Non-invasive Analysis and Profile), which focuses on both eye contact and analytical questions meant to detect certain indicators of lying (such as giving convoluted answers as how a person would hypothetically steal something, or a defensive versus offensive response to an accusation, etc).
I have encountered the same technique under the name Kinesic Interrogation. A friend of mine was held at gun point during a robbery and had his truck stolen as a getaway vehicle and run into a ditch. The police detective in charge (Whose on-line resume boasts of his credentials in kinesic interrogation) accused him of being an inside accomplice and lying. The only thing that this Barney Fife type seemed to have missed is that my friend has been almost totally deaf since birth. The reason he was not looking the detective in the eye is that he was focusing on reading his lips ! !!
There are many fine police personnel out there, but the problem is that all too often they protect the dumb cops among them and the dumb cops are too stupid to ever doubt their own overblown sense of infallibility.
The whole matter of reading body language requires an understanding of the background and upbringing of the person being interrogated. Looking someone of authority in the eye is considered a sign of deep disrespect in many cultures, not one of lying.
I am a bit fired up over this one because I have often had the problem of being misread and even told to my face that I was lying. Those people who declare "I can always tell when someone is lying" are basically ignorant ! It is my own opinion that attempting to read the body language of any aspie is highly prone to failure. Would anyone think That looking for the normal clues to behavior that they could read the intent of someone with full blown autism? The problem for an aspie would then be being mistaken for a neurotypical. At least a Vietnamese in the US would be recognized as being culturally different! rant rant rant
The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come. Thou shalt call, and I will answer