kraftiekortie wrote:
As long as you’re not nasty to NTs just because they’re NTs.
They can’t help being born that way; just like we can’t help being born autistic.
One can eschew the society of people without being nasty to them.
Definitely not saying you’re a “supremacist.”
Neither NTs nor autistic people are a monolithic group.
I agreed.
You can't condemn all Germans for what happened in WWII.
You can't condemn all the gangs-stalkers, errr, well actually you can, I think.
You can't ignore all the suffering that so many auties have had to endure, under the ignorant and toxic NT dominated social system that incorporates institutionalised gang-stalking.
There is only so much humiliation we are prepared to endure.
If we choose to isolate ourselves, it is our right.
Is "contemptible" too strong a word to apply to those who invalidate our point of view?