madbutnotmad wrote:
I was more thinking of social housing that was designed for people on the spectrum, that was a safe place that people who have ASD could be tailored for (for example, sensory hypersensitivities etc), but also where there were staff living on site who would support as well as police.
I do not mean a commune, but more of a safe place. As people with ASD do have various problems, which if placed in normal social housing often get ignored.
I know, as presently the approach in the area that I live is to house people with ASD in normal social housing, around people who do not have ASD, and who do not understand ASD.
This means that in some cases people simply don't understand as to whether they are abusing you (as the disability is invisible, for example, some may not intentionally trigger meltdowns in people with ASD), and in some cases, they do understand what the condition was but don't care if they trigger meltdowns or not, and in some cases,
you get people in social housing who intentionally cause meltdowns through maliciousness.
So this is the issue for people with ASD living in normal society, perhaps applies more to people with ASD who ALSO have sensory impairment, which I understand isn't present in all people with ASD (so I would imagine that people who don't have these problems don't care as much, or in some cases don't care at all, as "I'm all right jack" if it doesn't affect me... it doesn't need to be done.. attitude so to speak).
Would this community be for autistics on the more severe end? 24 hour care staff and a police guard seems unnecessary for the vast majority of mild autistics.