Fnord wrote:
MidnightRose wrote:
I was going through some old papers from when I was in therapy today and found one that I thought was pretty useful. I used to do pretty much all of these all of the time and they are not healthy.
Hmm... I have to why do the majority of these behaviors seem to be expressed by people with the most problems.It is a coping mechanism, a tool learned, probably as a child, to cope with intolerable conditions.
Our minds scramble to make sense of the world, and in an abusive family, the world does not make sense. No wonder kids grow up with coping skills that don't work once they get out of the abuse.
Because we have staked so much of our identity on these coping mechanisms, it is very difficult to give them up, even for things more positive.
The people I see really floundering are the ones who can't even consider letting go of whatever unhealthy thinking style they have. And the more others show a way out, the more that floundering person kicks and screams to hang on.
I don't know what the solution is for others. I know that my life became better when I started casting these thoughts out. In fact, I now know I am in trouble when I see myself doing any of those. It is a trigger that I need to step back and re-evaluate.
The river is the melody
And sky is the refrain - Gordon Lightfoot