Indeed, I have tried multitasking at the job, in collage, even at home, and refuse to do so anylonger. Its sooo frusterating, at least in collage I could keep a notepad of everything that needed to be done and i could put unfinished work in 1 folder and return to it later.
AT work, sometimes im expected to supervise others, unfortunalty half the crew I work with has never even acheived a high school degree (im not saying those without are dumb, some had other issues, but in their case... they are really dumb!!) And so here I am shouting out directions to a crowd with the average IQ of 70 (feels like) and i have to not only direct everyone but also check to enshure their pallets are good, i dont get ran over by them while they are driving the equipment, i sometimes need to organize where they put things!! ! AND even check for errors, recently i told the boss i refuse to work a bunch of ppl who cant perform the job they are payed for.
I feel mean for saying these things but you really gotta be their, since im regarded as a very good employee, i get my way alot, and so now i select individuals to help me (those that know their job) and weed out the crappy ones because I cant multy task like other supervisors do.
I may not be the best supervisor, but am 1 of the highest producing one, so i tend to get what I want as a result. I feel that we may not be equipped to handle multiple tasks at once, so if you have control over the situation, why put yourself thru all that????? Just dont if u dont have too!
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.