Wow - Great list and great thread.
On first glance I have all of them except intellectual impairment. It's hard to select only three, especially since I spend most of my time in autism-controlled environments (e.g., at home where everything's perfect and I don't have to interact with the outside world.)
Answers for when I'm at home and safe: (These are what I voted)
Non-verbal or minimally verbal
- I barely speak to my own kids. It's 99% text or Messenger even when we're in the same house. I go to my mother's to care for her and can seldom even say hello. I spend a lot of time hiding in my pillowfort or in rooms with the door shut so I don't have to interact. I don't do phone calls without extreme duress and I've never left a voicemail message in my life, so arranging appointments or homeowner type stuff is very difficult. I've avoided a huge, free homeowner repair program for two years now because I can't pick up the phone to do it.
Stimming and Repetitive Behaviour
- Yes, thousands and thousands of times a day, to the point of self-harm. It even happens in my sleep. I've need to be medicated on antipsychotics to calm it. I think some of them could be classified as motor tics but I'm not sure. I even have sleep disorders related to motor activity. I don't flap per se but I do a lot of weird hand things. I spin, twirl, twist, you name it, even in public. I've needed four root canals from such excessive grinding even with a custom made nightguard.
Sensory Overstim and Shutdowns
- Yes. I can barely even function in daylight let alone electric light. I can be sick for days even if it's cloudy outside. Vision makes me very ill, maybe because of visual overwhelm but also light sensitivity and visual snow. I have four pair of prescription tinted glasses worth over $3K and need them replaced every two years minimum. I have misophonia to the point of rage, mostly from quiet or repetitive sounds even in the house. I can't sleep without earplugs and a bunch of layered eye masks (usually six, since some fall off.) I have tinnitus 24/7. I have smellophobia and can vomit from the smell of chocolate or basic cooking aromas even if they smell good. I can't do anything scented or with artificial fragrance without migraines, aura, and nausea. I can't touch many things, including water or bumps or dozens of types of textures. I can't sleep with anyone in the same bed. I can only eat very spicy food or else I want to gag ( I guess that's actual hypo-stim). I'm diagnosed with severe SPD and have an OT for it. In my developmental history answers for my ASD assessment it took me over 20 pages to list and describe all my sensory issues.
If I had a fourth choice it would be emotional regulation but that's mostly if I have to leave the house. I have a lot of sensory freakouts in the great outdoors or even at appointments.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.