sinsboldly wrote:
Am I just not understanding this ?
I mean. . . here we have this thing that the NT call a disorder
and we aren't supposed to point to it and SAY "hey, we are having a problem because of this disorder thing?"
we are supposed to be as NT as possible and just swallow it if we miss the mark?
am I understanding this right?
I think maybe we (or maybe I!) need a clarification of what
excuse means. From what I gather,
excuse connotes something negative -- that, regardless of our actions, we try and blame everything on Asperger's, even if the action isn't a symptom. Basically, instead of taking responsibility for one's actions (e.g. being rude, breaking something, offending someone greatly), we victimize ourselves and put all blame on the disorder.
I don't think that saying you have a problem because you have a disorder is an excuse -- that's an
explanation. Some NTs, or persons ill-educated about AS, might view it as an excuse, but that's just out of ignorance.
I personally think the distinction between excuse and explanation is abstract. But, if I'm interpreting the lingo correctly, I think the differences between the words deal with intent. Are we using the phrase "I did this because I have AS" in order to get away with something, or are we using it for very real and legitimate reasons, so that others might understand us better?
I think that's the main difference. But, I could be wrong.