I think all these gals are p**** CATS! Many even say they like them! Then again, p**** cats CAN be nasty.
Seriously though, I don't think there is anything evil or even bad with them. I think they are much like lightning88. If you are nice to her, she can be nice, attractive, and pleasant. From the way she described how she acts if you push too far, YIKES! I forget which martial art she knows, but apparently she knows it well and can do more than you think would be possible given her size.
We just had a nice conversation, I never pushed, so I never personally saw her get angry. Besides, I don't even really know where she lives, so I will likely never see her IRL.
Half my problem with women is I try to find where that trigger is, and probably only go 33% of the distance TOPS! If I wanted to be seen as more than just a brother or friend, I would have to go farther. 8-(
In short, I think they act like normal NT females in this regard but may be more accepting about some things because of their problems. Part of that is from understanding through experience, and part is due to insensitivity so it isn't that big a deal. Also, they are overly sensitive and suspicious about some things, so the trigger might be acted on quicker.
And just so Lightning88 knows and all, I know she is diagnosed NVLD. For purposes of this discussion though, she still fits the profile, etc... People with NVLD STILL have the social problems, and sensitivity issues.
BTW MOST men have this kind of problem with women in general. The fact that AS women tend to be more logical, precise, and tolerant, might actually improve things.