Dad has it,but knows it and isn't bothered about getting diagnosed.
It's quite an autie and aspie filled family,am a kanner autie,sister is 'on the spectrum' with extra bits like synthaesia,uncle [dads brother] is an aspie,dads brothers' son is a kanner autie.
Although mum [not ASD] says she thinks her sister has aspergers,and also her son,she has suspected both of them having something "wrong" for years but didn't know name for it.
Dad and his brother were undiagnosed as they are in their sixties,born and lived most of his life on a farm in Tipperary/Ireland,he said anything his dad thought he did wrong was smacked out of him with his belt or stick.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
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