Looking at this site has made me realize that I'm even less of a typical Aspie than I thought. In fact, it seems like I have a lot of traits that people seem to associate with NT's - and they look down on NT's because of those traits. It just seems that my interests, tastes in music/TV/movies/books/etc, school performance, and overall outlook on life seems to mirror my peers more than it mirrors most of the people on this site. And this actually scares me, because I've been proud to be an Aspie - proud to be someone who is different from the norm.
So when I see people here being cynical about everyday expressions and conventions, looking down at people for using cliches, being very interested and proficient in math/science/computers, actually enjoying reading books, and having obscure tastes in music/movies/etc, it just makes me feel, well, inferior. I just can't help but worry that after all these years of hearing what society thinks of as "normal", I've started to think that way myself.
Now, I definately have some Aspie traits, no two ways about it. But they all seem to be the more negative ones - social awkwardness, clumsiness, lack of "common sense", etc. I don't know. Maybe this means it's time for me to seek out some new interests, and learn more about life. Because, gosh darn it, I don't want to be an NT!!